Chapter 241 - 242

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At the same time, in a small apartment in the suburbs of Xingning City.

This is an apartment that looks quite old. You can even clearly see the signs of peeling off on the dilapidated walls. The same is true for the surrounding houses. Looking around, it always gives people the illusion that this place is actually empty - which is indeed an illusion.

Of course there was someone in the apartment.

The space inside is not small, but it is definitely not empty. In the small room, there are computers lying here and there, and half-opened books are randomly placed on the coffee table and computer table. A large number of snack bags and empty beverage bottles were scattered all over the place due to the carelessness of the owner.

At the computer desk in the center, several young people were talking sadly.

"Is there really no other way?"

Hearing this, the young man sitting in front of the computer smiled bitterly.

"Technically, it is possible. Although it will take a lot of time, if we try hard, we may not be able to finish it before it is put on the shelves. Anyway, we have been working on it for such a long time, so it will not be short of time. The problem now is, We simply can’t get the money, and we can’t find reliable investors.”

"If the animation part is removed..."

"No," another young man said flatly: "Have you forgotten? Although our game has some innovations in gameplay, if the animation performance at the end is not outstanding enough, the quality of the entire game itself will be greatly reduced! Give up. The animation at the end, this game will be no different from the games on the market!"

"Accept it."

The boy put down his notebook and shook his head helplessly: "Unless it is made into a pixel animation, whether it is an ordinary 2D animation or a 3D animation, it will be difficult for us to afford it with our funds. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless something falls from the sky, for example, Blue Star pops out of thin air an animation production software that can achieve high-quality images at a low cost..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard his friend on the other side of the room yelling "Damn", the boy looked at his friend speechlessly: "What time are we here, you still watch the live broadcast..." said Then, his eyes subconsciously shifted to the computer screen that was playing in front of the other party.


After noticing the content played in the live broadcast, the boy stood up immediately. He stared at the scene of Huaying's press conference in the live broadcast. For a moment, he didn't know whether to doubt his own eyes or his ears. .

"Grass... is there really a pie in the sky?!"

Similar things are happening all over the world at the same time.

How many independent production teams are there in the entire Blue Star?

No one can answer an exact number, because it can't be done. Although the entry threshold of the ACG industry is not low, it cannot stop the enthusiasm and ambition of young graduates. Independent animation producers, independent game producers... Countless people rush to this field with their dreams.

Rebirth: The Strongest Animator Producer [No Cp]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن