Chapter 167

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Shepherd Xing did not delay too long on Xu An's animation works.

In fact, long before Xu An, Huaying had set up a special investment project review team. They were responsible for uniformly reviewing and evaluating all animation scripts submitted to Huaying. Huaying would also make decisions based on the team’s evaluation results. Decide whether to invest and the specific investment amount.

Therefore, at this moment, Mu Xingxing just briefly read through the animation script brought by Xu An. After confirming that there were no problems, he handed over all subsequent specific matters to the film review team.

After sending Xu An away, Mu Xiuxing had no intention of returning to the tennis court. He sat by the window in the conference room and looked out the window aimlessly, feeling a little lost for a moment.

"Everyone is gone, why do you still look bitter and unhappy?" Qin Sheng appeared behind him at some point, and also pulled a chair and sat down. Seeming to have thought of something, he frowned and said, "Or, did the other lion open his mouth?"

The location of the Huaying headquarters itself is not far from Tengkong, because the two parties have cooperated in games and animations, and the employees on both sides have often rushed to the door. Su Xing was not surprised, just shook his head, and said, "No, Xu An didn't make any additional requests."

It would be better to say that the opposite was true - Xu An agreed to all the terms and conditions proposed in the film contract without any objection.

Although Huaying's contract itself was reasonable, Xu An's performance did seem a little too cautious.

Hearing that the other party was not trying to push the envelope, Qin Sheng relaxed his frown and turned to look at Mu Xing with confusion: "Since there is no problem, what are you worried about?"

He thought about Huaying's current situation.

Everything goes well, and there is nothing for the Pleiades to worry about.

The shepherd star didn't speak immediately.

He turned to look out the window.

Looking out from this height, you can just see the tennis court not far away from the office building. Employees sit in twos and threes on the lawn beside the tennis court, chatting and laughing. From time to time, some people get up to play and stretch their muscles. Perhaps it was approaching noon, and Fang Lian even brought a lot of food from the Xingping Hotel and had a picnic beside it happily.

A scene that looks relaxed and happy-as if the daily life of an animator should be so comfortable.

But the Pleiades know that this is not the case.

After all, there are only a few animation companies like Huaying that can afford high-quality projects without worrying about salary. Most of the projects undertaken by animation companies are mainly outsourced animation. We don’t have the funds to produce our own animations, and we can’t bear the risk of losing animation. If we encounter a demanding Party A, sometimes the modification of a single shot may cause the company’s capital chain to break.

A netizen wrote a joke about having fun in the couplet:

One night, two Party A went around asking for pictures in the middle of the night, so they had to work overtime on Friday until Saturday at 7:00 am. After drawing at 8:00 am, it was very painful to go to bed at 9:00 am; it was only nine minutes past ten. Six adjustments, five drawings, three text submissions in four hours, two days and one hour of sleep on the weekend.

If there is anything more miserable than the description in this couplet, it is probably the horizontal comment written by another netizen for this: Use the original one.

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