Chapter 54 - 55

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That night, there was a celebration banquet inside Huaying Animation.

"Master, I respect you!"

As the chief animation director, Mu Su Xing was undoubtedly the one who received the most toasts. Considering that he had to go back to school to see Professor Li tomorrow, he didn't dare to drink too much. He only drank two glasses of wine at the beginning, and then replaced it with orange juice. , got up and went to the sofa on the side of the box, and chatted with Dai Yuyan casually.

If Mu Su Xing was just a director, it would be inappropriate for him to be unsuitable for a celebration banquet, but he is the actual owner of Huaying after all, and his intention of refusing is already very obvious at this moment, so naturally no one will I can't think of going up to bother you.

Fortunately, both Fang Lian and Wen Feihang were playful, and they made jokes from time to time to liven up the atmosphere.

"How does it feel to be the chief director?" Mu Suxing asked casually.

For a harem fan like "IS" that has no connotation at all, the second season wants to continue the big hit of the first season, and I know it is impossible, as far as the second season's 250,000 subscriptions are concerned In other words, although the second season directed by Dai Yuyan is far inferior to the first season, it can be regarded as a leader in the category of harem comics.

Dai Yuyan nodded first, and then shook her head: "To be honest, it was not easy. It took a lot of effort to get used to it at the beginning. I used to read in textbooks that the director has the right to make all animation decisions. I thought it was enough to make a choice, but when I did it, I realized that it is really not an easy task to make the optimal solution based on the overall situation among so many decisions.”

She thought about it, and added: "Although it's troublesome, I just enjoy it."

Shepherd star nodded secretly.

For a newcomer who has just embarked on the road of animation director, he is quite satisfied with Dai Yuyan's performance. Although the second season of "IS" can be completed smoothly, it is also due to the credit of several old employees of the production team, but As the chief director, Dai Yuyan's performance is also remarkable.

"What's next?" Mu Suxing asked, he was more concerned about the seedling he valued: "Do you have any specific ideas? Should I continue to be a director, or do something else?"

Dai Yuyan shook her head. On the surface, she did a good job this time, but there were also many problems revealed in it: "Forget about being the chief director, I am still too reluctant now. I plan to use this time to improve myself. , and make plans later.”

Shepherd Xing nodded slightly: "Alright."

According to the unwritten practice after "IS", Shepherd Xing does not plan to direct the second season of "My Hero Academia" personally. He intends to hand over the subsequent plot adaptation and specific production to other people, but , considering that Iying is different from IS, in order to ensure the quality of the second season, the candidates for the chief director can only be selected by experienced veterans.

In other words, at this point, the few people Huaying can trust at this stage are unable to share this burden for him, nor can they bear it.

Thinking of this, Shepherd star sighed.

In the final analysis, the current Huaying is still too young, lacking veterans and talents who can be put into production immediately.

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