Chapter Fourteen

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While the few people were in a daze, the dubbing of Mu Su Xing continued.

"What if the wind blows?"

"My cold is not so bad... the cool night air is good for me. I am a flower."

"What if there are bugs and beasts?..."

"If I want to know butterflies, I can't stand three inchworms. They are said to be very beautiful. Otherwise, who else will come to see me? You will go far away. As for the big animals, I am not afraid. I have claws."

Her voice was calm and quiet, and she could no longer hear the slightest vibrato, but everyone present knew that she was not unafraid, but had accepted it.

Of course she knows that she loves the little prince, and she also clearly understands that when the little prince leaves this planet, she will be devastated and withered in the face of cold wind and insects and beasts, but she is such a proud flower, So I can't express my reluctance, and I can't express my retention.

So when the rose on the screen showed its four thorns innocently, the voice became impatient again, and it sounded fierce, and it seemed to be a bit bluffing under careful scrutiny.

"Stop dawdling like this. It's annoying! Now that you've decided to get out of here, go!"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when the rose on the screen turned his head slightly, Wen Feihang clearly heard a slight choking sound from the proud and impatient voice.

The whole dubbing ended here, and most of the people in the audition room were still immersed in the world presented by the interweaving of sound and picture, and couldn't recover for a while.

The first to react was Ms. Lin who was the first to provoke. Let’s not mention her dubbing ability for the time being, but she still has a basic appreciation ability—the gap between the two is too obvious, she doesn’t even know how to refute at this moment, her face turns blue and purple, and she looks dingy walked out the door.

The Shepherd stepped down from the microphone.

Of course, he doesn't have such incredible dubbing ability. Being able to speak to a dubbing actor in his previous life doesn't mean he has lit up the skill tree of dubbing. R card.

[R] Almighty Dubbing Skill Card Trial Version

Make the host master the top all-round CV dubbing skills in an instant.

Remaining valid time: 23 hours, 50 minutes and 20 seconds.

I have to say that although Mu Su Xing has no plans to engage in dubbing work, the system's dubbing card is occasionally used for fun, which is actually quite fun.

I don’t want to think about the main characters, but if there is such an opportunity in the future, it seems interesting to give voices to some passers-by or supporting characters in my animation?

It just so happened that Fang Lian came back to his senses at this time, and with an idea, he suggested: "I think there is nothing wrong with your dubbing, A Mu. Otherwise, we won't be looking for a voice actor, and you will come, A Mu?"

Wen Feihang also nodded in agreement: "Yes, why don't you come, Amu."

Shepherd Xing subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when his eyes fell on the remaining time of the R card, his heart moved slightly.

The current situation of "The Little Prince" is actually very embarrassing: the voice actors with outstanding ability are not willing to come, and those who are willing to come and try, most of them have mediocre dubbing ability. Mu Suxing is different. He knows the dubbing effect he wants, and has the system's top dubbing skill card bonus. During the dubbing process, he doesn't even need NG.

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