Chapter 66

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A week later.

Quanming City, Changliang Airport.

There are less than three days left until the Elinor Awards Ceremony.

The sky has just turned gray, and the interior of Changliang Airport, located in the northwest of Changliang City, is already densely packed: reporters carrying cameras, fans holding signs, looking forward to it, and in order to prevent accidents, Security personnel were temporarily transferred to maintain order.

"Are you nervous?" Qin Sheng asked him.

Mu Xing shook his head.

He's really not nervous.

It may be a bit sad to say, but it is undeniable that animation awards, especially the Best Animated Short Film Award, receive the least attention among Eleanor’s dozens of awards. Even if he wins the award, he will still receive the least attention. It is impossible to double your net worth and reach the top of your life like an actor who won the Best Actor and Actor award.

It would be great to win the Best Animated Short Film Award. Even if he didn't win, he wouldn't be too disappointed.

While the two were talking, a tsunami-like scream suddenly rang out from the waiting hall separated by a wall. Immediately afterwards, the police and security guards who were originally scattered on one side also became nervous. It must have been the arrival of a big-name celebrity.

Mu Xingxing didn't care about this.

Animation and film and television are two fields of completely different attention, so when the two came out of the passage, they did not encounter any obstacles. At most, one or two reporters glanced curiously and found that they were not familiar celebrities. After that, he looked away without interest.

But precisely because of this, Mu Xiuxing's actions these days do not have any scruples.

"The award ceremony is the night after tomorrow. We can just take advantage of these two days to go shopping." Mu Xingxing was in a good mood - even a little enjoying it: "Brother Sheng, do you have any place you would like to go to? We can arrange it one time."

This is the benefit of not having attention.

If it were the finalists for other awards, especially the Best Actor and Best Actress reserves, they could only stay in the hotel these days, waiting for the award ceremony, even if it was to avoid causing traffic jams.

Mu Xiu Xing has no such scruples.

He didn't have much hope of winning the award. This time, on the one hand, his works were shortlisted and the organizer also sent an invitation letter. If he didn't go, there was a high chance that he would be criticized by the troubled media for being a big name. Secondly, ... Quanming City is, after all, a well-known international metropolis in Blue Star. At least half of the time he came here was for tourism purposes.

He behaved openly, without the slightest hint of frustration or nervousness. Qin Sheng made it clear what he meant, and no longer attached to this so-called award, he instead said: "Then let's go to the hotel first, and then we'll discuss it over the next two days." Itinerary?”

The Pleiadians agreed.

The two of them had not walked a few steps when the reception staff from the organizer took the initiative to greet them: "Mr. Mu and Mr. Qin, I am the person in charge, Ye Baichuan. Welcome to Changliang City."

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