Chapter 172

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What has changed is the wavering hearts of fans, but what remains unchanged is the unshakable and terrifying ratings of "Prince of Tennis".

As the plot of the animation gets better and better, even the most ardent fans of Huaying are too lazy to say goodbye to trolls and indiscriminate passers-by. Originally, idiots and trolls just don’t make sense, let alone, there are idiots and idiots. When it comes to spraying, is it not good to use it to catch up? In the remaining time, you can also write a fanart, do an operation or something, wouldn't it be nice?

So when passers-by and netizens once again came across the topic about "The Prince of Tennis" misleading the audience on Weibo, they unexpectedly discovered that the style of painting fans who had been trying to explain to others had changed again:

——"Please be human and leave the tennis circle alone."

Fans of Huaying: Please do not elevate company behavior to the level of fans. You can scold Huaying, but you can't scold us.

——"After reading Weibo for a long time, I found that there are not many people speaking out for this garbage company. Haha, the popularity in the past was probably brought by the trolls, right?"

Huaying fans: No way, who makes us Huaying fans as vulgar as Huaying’s works, we just want to use superficial money to support the animations we like╮(╯▽╰)╭

——"Shit, capital is really unscrupulous? Huaying is so awesome, it can push the ratings to the first place, I admire it."

Fans of Huaying: @花影anizai, you are already a mature company. You should learn to get rid of your dependence on your father and rely on yourself for public relations. [Speak earnestly.jpg]?

What happened to the fans of this painter? Didn't you break heads with them a while ago, why did you suddenly become so silly?

Passers-by black fans were dumbfounded, and Huaying fans completely stopped paying attention to the various topics that black fans provoked. For a moment, Huaying fans were so lively inside, and so embarrassing for the unattended trolls and passers-by.

They really want to stand on the moral high ground and continue to have a trash talk showdown with Huaying fans. The problem is that Huaying fans simply ignore them!

Seeing that every fan of Huaying had such a reaction, even the passers-by and black fans who were led there felt that something was wrong.

without him.

In this farce that lasted for nearly a month, both the Huaying animation company and the fans of Huaying were too calm.

That's fine.

It happened that they were making trouble, but they were unable to have any substantial impact on Huaying animation from beginning to end. It was like a punch on cotton. Not only did it not have any effect on the enemy, but it made me depressed. no.

Look at the chatting and laughing on Weibo, even in the face of all kinds of sarcasm from everyone, he is not very angry. Instead, he is smiling and playing all kinds of sarcasm in the comment area. It was inevitable that he would be a little shaken for a while.

As the saying goes, fans pay for their idols.

Although Huaying is not an idol, it is undeniable that for people who did not know Huaying before, the behavior of Huaying fans will undoubtedly directly affect their impression of Huaying animation.

If the fans of Huaying really flirted with them, they might not have considered this issue, but seeing that the fans of Huaying are becoming more and more sandy, even the black fans who want to find fault, they are a little speechless at the moment.

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