Chapter Twenty

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Same as before, when Mu Suxing got up, Qin Sheng had already left.

There was a bowl of white rice porridge and two plates of green vegetables on the table, and a note was pressed under the glass. She took it out and looked at it. It said that he was asked to pack his luggage during the day, and Qin Sheng would come over to help him move it after school in the afternoon. go back.

Shepherd Xing has no opinion on where to live. It is only a year away from graduation, so he has to move out sooner or later, and it is better to move out earlier.

On the way back to school, Shepherd Xing chose the subway as usual.

When passing the huge LCD screens on both sides of the passageway of the subway station, Mu Suxing stopped to take a look. According to the person in charge at the subway station, in half a month, the short animations of the "Little Prince" series will be available on the stars. All major subway stations in Ning City were fully "screened".

Taking advantage of the leisure time while sitting on the subway before arriving at school, Star Shepherd was finally able to free up and sort out a series of gains after completing the main task.

The progress of the main task remained unchanged. Shepherd Xing recalled the famous animators and storyboard artists he knew in his previous life, and he had a good idea. Finally, he checked the series of rewards issued by the system after completing the side tasks.

The reward for making a short animation and successfully boarding the Xingning City subway station is 1000 achievement points.

At the same time, since he boarded the subway station with seven short animations at the same time, it is equivalent to contracting all the video promotion windows of the subway station. The system judges that he has completed a special hidden task, and the reward is 3000 achievement points and 1 skill point. points and one-time sweepstakes voucher.

In this way, he now has a total of 4000 achievement points and a voucher for a lucky draw.

As for the extra freely assignable skill points, Shepherd Xing thought about it and finally decided to add it to the [Camera Rhythm] skill.

Shepherd Star: "013, help me add points to the rhythm of the shot."

[Ding, congratulations to the host for upgrading the rhythm of the camera to level 6. 】

Accompanied by the system's notification sound, the complete personal data sheet also appeared in front of Shepherd Star again——

Name: Shepherd Star

Age: 20

Reputation: 50 (unknown)

Original painting skills: level 5

Knowledge Reserve: Level 5

Audiovisual Aesthetics: Level 6

Animation Rendering: Level 5

Design Thinking: Level 5

Creation Speed: Level 5

Shot Rhythm: Level 6

Screenwriting Narrative: Level 5

Achievement Points: 4000

Mu Suxing glanced at his profile, and raised his eyebrows unexpectedly: "50 reputation?"

013: [The "Little Prince" produced by the host has attracted the attention of professionals within a certain range, so it has gained 50 reputation points. 】

Shepherd star is clear.

Knowing the source of reputation, he once again focused on achievement points and lottery coupons.

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