Chapter Thirty-Three

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In Blue Star, almost all video sites have an "anime" section, but the overall popularity of the animation section varies according to the popularity of the website itself.

"What I think is, try to make a choice between Yunsu and Yueqi, and take the sharing model."

Both video sites have their pros and cons.

Because every video website competes to buy the copyrights of different online dramas, TV series and movies, Yunsu Video is not the only one among multiple video websites, but it is one of the largest comprehensive Internet service providers in China. Its services include social communication software, social networking platform, portal website, news client and game platform, etc. It is Bluestar's leading Internet company.

Compared with a behemoth like Yunsu, although Yueqi can only be regarded as a small guy, it is the largest video barrage website in China, with the best ACG atmosphere and the most comprehensive and diverse animation new series and famous.

The former has greater influence, while the latter is more widely sought after by young people.

"Need to say?" Fang Lian said without hesitation, "Adults have to choose!"

Cui Hongyi nodded and agreed: "To be more realistic, our company is not well-known in the industry at present, and whether it can pass the review of the video website is a problem. I suggest that the company should send a copy to each of the two video websites, and which one will pass the review. Which one to choose, and if both are approved, we will discuss the specific details at that time.”

"What about broadcasting rights?" Wen Feihang asked: "With our company's current reputation, video sites probably won't give us any share?"

"This is not necessarily the case," Dai Yuyan said: "If our work is the kind that has great potential at first glance, the video site will definitely try to buy the exclusive rights, directly in the form of buyout," she said fairly: "But if it is "IS", I don't think anyone can make an accurate evaluation."

Otherwise, during this period of time, their production team would not have caused so much controversy inside and outside the school.

This is a bit blunt, but the shepherd star doesn't mind.

In his heart, he is still very confident in the ability of "IS" to collect money, not to mention that it is indeed an excellent commercial animation, but for people in this world, those who accept it are acceptable, and those who do not accept it are not acceptable. .

The unnutritious cute harem fan is not a popular category in animation, because its audience and upper limit are always there, but it can’t be said to be unpopular, because there will never be a lack of audience-in short, it is basically impossible to become popular like mainstream animation , but there is still no problem in drawing a well-off basic market.

With this foundation in place, the reviewers of video sites would consider buying the rights to broadcast "IS" even if they don't have a good impression of "IS". After all, as long as the production is decent, this type of animation rarely loses money.

In fact it is true.

Xiao Zhengwen received the animation titled "Infinite Stratos" when he was just at work.

As the general person in charge of the animation review team, Xiao Zhengwen does not need auditions to watch countless animation works. This pre-selection process will be handled by his team members, and the team members will do all the animation works sent to Yueqi Video. A preliminary review, only after passing the preliminary review within the group, will it be submitted to Xiao Zhengwen for final judgment and ruling.

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