Chapter 79

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Different from the previous "My Hero Academia" handwriting, as an edit, the clips selected in the video in front of me can be said to have been seen in "Cardcaptor Sakura". Even because the animation has just ended, this will Looking at the video clip again, Yan Tong felt that those places that had never been noticed in the original animation suddenly magnified at this moment.

Tomoyo who made clothes for Sakura, Tomoyo who took pictures of Sakura, Tomoyo who gently enlightened Sakura when she was sad, Tomoyo who treasured the eraser that Sakura gave her as a treasure, who loves Sakura so much, but chose Buried his feelings deep in his heart, after discovering that Xiaolang likes Sakura, he encouraged the other party's Tomoyo instead.

Not only that……

She looked at the edited clips in the video, some clips that she didn't think about at first, and now, watching it now, it seemed to have a different taste.

Yan Tong still remembers the plot.

Tomoyo lost his voice because of the Clow card, so he asked for leave to rest at home. After school, Sakura and Xiaolang came to visit her together. In this episode, she asked Xiaolang by writing: "Do you like Sakura?"

It was also at the end of this episode that Tomoyo told Sakura that the song they were going to sing this time was also the song she wanted to sing to Sakura. The name of the song was "Friendship".

Was it the appearance of the little wolf that made Zhishi choose to bury his feelings in his heart? If there is no little wolf, will Tomoyo tell Sakura when she grows up like she said?

Yan Tong didn't know.

And in this animation, there is never such a thing as what-if.

She pursed her lips, feeling empty in her heart at the moment, with an indescribable sadness. It's not the kind of intense sadness watching other abuse videos, but a kind of faint sourness. It is precisely because Zhishi is too gentle and understanding that this never-beginning relationship is even more distressing.

She pulled to the comments section below.

At the moment, there is no one in the comment area. After all, the up master "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Sparkle" has been silent for more than half a year.

"While watching the anime, I was too busy watching Wolf Cherry Snow Official Match, but I didn't feel much until I saw this clip...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' ah!"

"The most cruel thing is that Sakura didn't know that Tomoyo's liking was not the one she thought she liked from the beginning to the end, and even Tomoyo's enthusiasm for taking pictures of her at the beginning was just 'a bit weird' in Sakura's eyes, but Tomoyo but  doesn't care at all, she found that Xiaolang likes Sakura and has been assisting her in various ways. For her, even if she is by her side as a friend, as long as Sakura is happy, her greatest happiness is..."

"I can't bear this kind of gentle knife the most. Why would I be abused by a fellow editor when I watch a healing animation... It's obviously not very cruel, but it's because Sakura and Tomoyo are too gentle, and Lang Sakura is too gentle. Very good, but after watching it, I feel even more uneasy [crying]”


Now, shortly after the end of "Cardcaptor Sakura", fans commented that the face of being abused is actually very popular. Of course, there may be a mentality of "I'm crying, how can others not cry!" Inside, anyway, in less than a day, this Zhiying clip was directly on the homepage of Yueqi Video!

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