Yes, this is Luffy.

He doesn't try to convince his opponents or teammates with words like other shounen manga protagonists. He may seem crazy, but he actually has his own code of conduct. He didn't know Robin's past and didn't care. He didn't care whether Robin really wanted to die or had other reasons.

He said he wanted to save Robin, so he came.

He respects Robin's choice, so he won't ask Robin why he wants to die, tell Robin that you can't die, and ask Robin if he was threatened by others. He would only tell Robin seriously, if you really want to die, then wait until we rescue you before you die.

This is Luffy.

The plot is not completely clear yet, but all the viewers who saw this had a knowing smile unconsciously appearing on their lips.

As if responding to the audience's speculation, as Sauron and others scattered in various corners of Judicial Island converged on the top of the building, Luffy continued: "To die or to live, you can say whatever you want." The camera shot from The young captain's body shifted and landed on the Straw Hat Pirates behind him.

"But please say this when you are around us."

Then, just like those adventures that the Straw Hat Pirates had experienced in the past-all of them raised their feet and walked forward, standing on the left and right sides of Luffy calmly and calmly in a posture of confronting the opponent on the opposite side of the building. Luffy, who was standing in the middle, moved his fists and feet and said in a sparse and normal tone:

"Leave the rest to us-"

This episode ends here, but the effect of the last scene is significant.

With the broadcast of this episode of animation, the number of views of "One Piece" returned to the second place, ranking only under "Naruto", which is also on the air. Fans' enthusiasm for "One Piece" began to pick up, shifting from the initial dispute to Robin's past.

What made Robin what he is now?

The meaningless quarrels finally dissipated from the One Piece boards in the major forums, and returned to the plot itself. What happened to Robin in the past? How will Luffy and others defeat CP9? When the Straw Hat Pirates face the huge world government as a pirate group, where will the plot go in the future?

Amid the curiosity and expectations of the audience, the plot of "One Piece" is also revealed to fans layer by layer with the weekly broadcast--

In the following weeks, "One Piece" spent a lot of time describing Robin's past.

He has lived in the archaeological holy land "O'Hara" since he was a child. His father died early and his mother is wanted by the world government and her whereabouts are unknown. The young Robin was living under the influence of relatives, and was often disliked by his relatives. Children of the same age also regard her as a monster because of her abilities, and they often bully her for fun.

"Give her some color and see!" "Hit-"

"Stinky monster!" "It's disgusting."

"I hope you won't get close to my children again."

"What a nasty kid."

For Robin, who was eight years old at the time, books and the O'Hara scholars at the "Tree of All Knowledge" were her only warmth. It was during this year that young Robin passed the doctoral examination with full marks and became a member of O'Hara's archaeological scholars.

This should have been an ordinary job.

However, in the crisis-ridden world of One Piece, archaeologists are a very special kind of existence - for unknown reasons, the World Government erased a hundred years of its own history at the time of its birth. Not only that, the World Government Anyone is strictly prohibited from exploring the truth behind this century-old blank history.

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