The Boys Are Back Together

Start from the beginning

"You were practicing?" Hoseok ask as he saw Jimin looking sweaty.

"Yeah for the past 4 hours." Jimin said.

"You crazy bitch." Taehyung says, making Jimin giggle.

"Come on Taehyung. You know how Jimin is. He is a hard worker." Hoseok said and patted Jimin's head as Jimin looked at him with a proud smile on his face.

"I know and I am proud of him but sometimes he needs to not go so hard on himself and actually know when to take a break." Taehyung says as he petted Kosmos as Jimin looked in between the two, starting to think that the two forgot that he was there.

"Yes that is true but he has everything under control." Hoseok says with a small smile as he gave Taehyung a nod.

"I'm right here, assholes!" Jimin said and the two laughed.

They went into the kitchen and got something to drink as Taehyung started to play with Kosmos as Hoseok and Jimin watched, laughing.

"Is Yugyeom or Jungkook here?" Hoseok asked as it was quite in the big house.

"No, they went out. Just me and Kosmos." Jimin says as Hoseok nod his head.

"How is your mom and their dad doing with Kosmos?" Hoseok ask as he pointed to Kosmos.

"Ehhh. They barely go near her. All they do is watch her. They are scared to do anything because Jungkook said he will take me away if they do anything to her and she growls at her when they come close." Jimin says as he watched Kosmos jump on Taehyung and Hoseok was a little shock but remember Jimin telling him that Kosmos has growled at them before.

"She still growls at them?"

"Yeah. I think it's just her being protective of me." Jimin says and Hoseok agreed with him as he nodded his head.

"So like Jungkook." Hoseok says, still nodding his head and Jimin couldn't help but to laugh then smacked hoseok on the arm.

"Hyung shut up!" Jimin whined as Hoseok chuckled.

"Honestly I think Jungkook just should take you out of here because they barely take care of you." Hoseok says as Taehyung looked over at them.

"If Jungkook takes him away, he will probably not let us see him."

"Taehyung." Hoseok says, letting out a sign as he rub his face with his hands as Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Tae, he will. He lets me see you now." Jimin says with a "really?" Look.

"Barley! Half of the time we can't see you because you are too busy hanging out with Jungkook." Taehyung mostly whined, looking at Jimin.

"Taehyung! I already explained to you that they are trying to have a better bond like how they use to! Now that's Enough." Hoseok said and Tae just looked away and went back to playing with Kosmos. "He just doesn't trust him."

"I don't know why. Jungkook has done nothing to him." Jimin says, letting out a sign then the doorbell went off and Jimin heard the door open and closed.


Taehyung and Hoseok's faces lip up right when they heard Yoongi's voice. Their faces lit up and their hearts skip a beat as they heard a voice that is so recognizable for them. The two froze up a little bit but then got all excited as Hoseok almost fell out of his seat as he got excited. Jimin laughed as Hoseok and Taehyung took off running as Jimin ran after them to see Yoongi standing by the front door, looking up the stairs.

"Min Yoongi!" Hoseok says and Yoongi quickly looked at them, getting a smile on his face.


The two jump on Yoongi as Jimin watched with a big smile on his face as the three hugged. His three best friends were back together and Jimin was so happy to see them happy as they hugged each other. Jimin couldn't help but to laugh a little as Hoseok jump up and down in the group hug as Taehyung left out a little scream in excitement.

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