CHAPTER 13 - Bonds that break & form

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It was a Sunday morning and everyone in the house were deep asleep after having an hectic week .  Beomgyu came down rubbing his eyes and saw Yeonjun watching television alone at the living room .  

 He was watching a show called "TODO" and laughed loudly . 

Beomgyu took his seat away from him and watched it too .  It's a show Yeonjun and him would watch it together always on Sundays , but it's been two years since they watched it together . It's been two years the boys actually spoke to eachother properly .

Yeonjun looked at him for a second and his expression changed into an annoyed one .  " What are you doing here ?" Yeonjun asked him .   " Can't you see me ? I'm just watching the show , this is my house too " Beomgyu replied back in an annoyed tone as well .

" Just stop following me everywhere Beomgyu " Yeonjun said smirking and Beomgyu gasped dramatically .   " Following you ? You think I got no better job ? You gotta be kidding Yeonjun shi " Beomgyu said . 

Yeonjun froze as he heard Beomgyu mentioning him by his name . He recalled Taehyun's words at the company .

" Even his own brother doesn't call him hyung anymore "  

Yeonjun sighed and didn't notice Beomgyu coming near him and snatch the remote from his hand .   " Enough of you watching Todo , I gotta watch my favourite group 'Tubatu''s performance now , they are performing their comeback song Sugar rush ride this week " Beomgyu said smiling as he switched the channel to the music bank one . 

Beomgyu smiled excitedly as he saw them performing .   Yeonjun took a look at his brother smiling and a smile creeped over his face too .  He snapped out of it when he realised what he's doing and stood up . 

" Oh if only you had not given up for the slighest commotion , you would have been performing there too " Yeonjun said making Beomgyu rage in anger . 

" Aren't you being shameless ? You think pinpointing my weakness everytime would make you stronger ? How many more times are you going to say this ? Huh ?" Beomgyu asked as his voice shaked because of his mixed emotions . 

" Don't forget you were one of the reasons I gave up too , another day of you making me disappointed at you " Beomgyu said looking into Yeonjun's eyes before walking outside . 

Yeonjun felt a sense of guilt as he saw Beomgyu . But that's not enough to change either of the brother's hearts . 


Taehyun came home after jogging and greeted the security guards before he entered the gates . The house had a huge veranda outside as they had trees around making them breathe fresh air always .  He saw Beomgyu trying to plug his earphones into his ears as he walked in his direction . 

He noticed Beomgyu's expressions and also his eyes were sad .  Beomgyu usually listened to music whenever he felt worried .   Music just heals him . 

Taehyun was quite worried of him and wanted to ask him but Beomgyu walked past ignoring Taehyun's existence .  He saw Beomgyu walking to the backyard and sighed as he walked into the house .

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