It is said that what comes once, comes twice. This time, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, with two days left before the award ceremony, Mu Xing chose to stay in the hotel honestly until On the day of Eleanor's award ceremony, Zai arrived at the scene according to the arrangement of the organizer.

On the day of Eleanor's award ceremony, four o'clock in the afternoon.

There was still an hour before the awards ceremony officially started, black limousines slowly approached from the road cordoned off by the organizer, the Shepherd star sat in the back seat, and could hear it through the window There were hysterical screams and shouts outside, and fluorescent signs with the names of celebrities dancing back and forth in the crowd.

Mu Xingxing got out of the car.

Seeing that he was not his idol, the voice of the fan closest to him became noticeably colder, and the decibel level dropped even more. The reporters present were enthusiastic. Most of the reporters who were qualified to attend such an occasion were carefully selected and would naturally not do anything that crossed the line. They appeared to be extremely polite.

All of a sudden, the lively atmosphere around him cooled down.

The shepherd star doesn't care either.

In other words, after experiencing the excessive attention and all kinds of siege from fans and media in Luocha County, the pastor star not only doesn't care about this feeling of being ignored and ignored, but feels quite comfortable.

"How about it, do you regret that you didn't come to be my hero?"

With the sound of a familiar male voice behind him, the surrounding flashlights became dense again, Mu Suxing turned his head, it was Ye Changlin, the film director whom he met once when he was collecting materials on the spot in Zijing Town.

At that time, he was still worrying about getting the material for "The Gift of the Magi", while Ye Changlin was preparing for his new movie "Duckweed". At that time, Ye Changlin invited the pastor star to be his The leading actor was just rejected by the shepherd star.

Ye Changlin smirked and made a joke: "If you had agreed to be my hero, I guarantee that half of the screaming and cheering at the scene today would be for you."

The shepherd star also laughed.

He knew that what the other party said was true - "Duckweed" was originally a legend in the history of Blue Star movies. Even if he had never appeared in any movie before, as long as he could play the leading role well, it would be enough for the actor to become the emperor in one fell swoop. , but Muxue Xingzhi is not here. Since he rejected it no less than three times at the beginning, there is naturally nothing to regret now.

"It's a good thing I didn't agree to be your leading actor," Mu Xingxing also joked: "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to live in peace even if I hid here all the way."

Ye Changlin glared at him: "You really dare to say that."

One year later, it is not only Mu Xing who is different from the past, but also the young director who was worried about the starring role back then. Although it is not stated clearly, everyone knows that "Duckweed" is destined to win the grand prizes at all Blue Star film festivals this year, and even go down in the history of Blue Star movies.

If the movie is like this, most of the actors who are the leading actors will follow suit and soar into the sky.

Shepherd star smiled and said nothing.

Ye Changlin looked at him with a straight face for a while, but he didn't tense up. In less than three seconds, he laughed to himself: "I can't stand this kind of posture, then you are really not made to be an actor."

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