Chapter 27: Glittering Jewels

Start from the beginning

The princess of Athens was flushed, clearly surprised by his actions. They had kissed a few hours prior, at the hall....but this one felt more intimate—a secret passing between two lovers.

"Take some rest...I shall slumber in the adjoining room if you need me," she said, her dazzling eyes searching within his. They held his gaze for a while, comforting and kind.

Percy nodded. Alright, he sighed. Dream well.

"You as well," the princess rose, her nightgown cascading down her figure. She smoothed the fabric, wrapping the shawl tighter around herself.


Percy awoke in the dead of the night feeling restless. Everything around him seemed to be buzzing, insistent. He'd travelled halfway through the ship before he realised where he was going. His feet and some unknown force had led him  into the underbelly of the massive vessel.

Have you finally chosen to listen to us, Oh Prince? the Sea whispered to him.

I'm simply curious, he replied.

He inspected the racks of shipments, hidden underneath the mast. Identical rows of oakwood crates and barrels were cloaked in the dark murky darkness of the bobbing ship.
He noted the one right in front of him. The barrel was pushed forward with it, lid askew.

Percy had assumed his princess pried open the barbell herself. Curiosity never sat well with her.

Smiling at the realisation, the son of the sea pushed off the lid. He leaned forward to see a rather large collection of gems and jewels. the wooden enclosure was brimming with valuables.

He reached out taking a few gold coins in his hand. He tossed them lightly, frowning as they landed much too delicately on his palm.

They were too light...

He fiddled with the coins for a few more minutes, examining them. They had the insignia of Athens, the seal Annabeth carried with pride and yet...

Percy placed the coin on the floor, taking a few steps backwards. He called to the ocean, which answered in an instant. Drops of water made their way in a circle around the coin. A few seconds later, they were boiling.

He watched the process with fascination until the last droplets turned dutifully to wisps of smoke.

He waited another heartbeat to ensure the coin was dry but did not give it much thought. The ocean would not betray him. He picked up the now, circular shard of glass. Its golden paint stained the deck.

He moved towards the barbell again, his steps tentative. He hoped his hypothesis was wrong, yet he knew it wasn't. He swiped his hand across the glittering mass or ersatz jewels. He cleared the surface, the diamonds acting as decoys so no one would think to peruse any further. It had a false bottom.

There was a minuscule incision hidden on the wooden shaft. Percybplaced do,e pressure on it and it immediately gave way. He peeled off the layer of wood separating the gems from the true contest the enclosure housed.

The leather hide or a riffle posted upwards, as as if greeting him.

Percy bristled, he knew of this creation. His princess had shown it to him once when they visited the general's estate. She explained the way it worked and demonstrated its deathly Precision.

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