C23: Idol Sports Meet

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When Xin Qing returned to the dormitory, she saw Song Siyao standing in a corner out of the camera's view, staring at her with a meaningful look.

Xin Qing didn't pay any attention to her, but she heard Song Siyao say coldly, "Do you really think she's sincerely helping you? Don't be naive, she just wants to use you to deal with me."

"Xin Qing, we might have had some misunderstandings before. But don't forget, you belong to Chu Entertainment. Whether you can debut on this show or not, you can't avoid me. Are you sure you want to turn against me?"

Xin Qing remained silent, and Song Siyao grew more confident.

"As long as you follow my instructions from now on, I guarantee that Sweety will have a place for you. Sun Meng and Li Yunyun's talent is still lacking. It's much easier to promote you than them, and I'll be more relaxed as well."

She pushed harder, hypocritically adding, "Or maybe you want to seek revenge, and I can help you vent. After all, I also think that isolating you was too much for them."

Xin Qing's hand holding the water glass paused. She turned her head, looked at Song Siyao with an unfamiliar gaze, and then, as if she remembered something, she actually smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Song Siyao felt a sense of being underestimated.

For some reason, Xin Qing's expression was different this time she returned. How could a girl who sold seasoning suddenly think she had a backer?

"Song Siyao, you really are quite amusing in your current state."

At the age of blooming youth, with a beautiful face, yet her eyes were filled with darkness and malice... singing songs she didn't like while wearing a fake smile to those she disliked every day.

"To be able to be so hypocritical, you're quite impressive. Keep it up. After all, this is all that's left in your life."

Shen Yuan's voice came from the door, "Xin Teacher, are you ready? We're all waiting for you!"

"Coming!" Xin Qing responded crisply, leaving without looking back. Her mood was unusually bright, and she remembered what Shen Qisai had told her in private after the chess match.

She still had two years left in her agreement with Chu Hua. As long as she worked hard to debut on the show, those two years would pass quickly. As for Song Siyao... Manager Shen's words were clear: "All the extraordinary people you meet will be topics of conversation over tea in the future. Apart from that, they're nothing!"

After the first round of eliminations, the contestants immediately immersed themselves in preparations for the second round of performances. This time, the situation was even more challenging than the first round. While luck might have played a role in the first performance, after the second round, only half of the remaining contestants would move forward. It would be a true battle of skills, and a group of contestants who relied on looks and popularity would certainly be eliminated after this round.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the training room was tense for these few days. In order to improve the mood, the production team put effort into selecting songs for the second round of performances.

"The Idol Sports Meet?" Shen Yuan popped her head down from the upper bunk, "What's that?"

"Lei Jie just mentioned it. The second round of performances will be grouped by participants. Each person will have two events, and the scores will be based on rankings. The higher the score, the priority you get in choosing a song."

"That sounds interesting?" Shen Yuan shook her head and reached out for the form, "Let me see."

"Oh, by the way," Shen Qi took a bite of an apple and looked up, "I forgot to tell you. There's an event that's short of participants, and I signed us up."

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