C11: Adapting to the Team

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The situation with Shen Qi's group wasn't particularly surprising to the production team.

As for the song "Fascination," the stage was dynamic and explosive, the parts were evenly distributed, and the so-called center position only involved hitting a high note at the beginning and striking a pose at the end. The other parts didn't have prominent showcases. However, the choreography for the entire stage was complex. Compared to those specific shots, the pressure was several times greater for the whole group.

The others joining this song were caught off guard and entirely unprepared. Especially Su Jing, burdened by the legacy of a traditional arts family, the production team had been shaping her image from the beginning to the end. If Xin Qing followed the goddess route, then Su Jing followed the master route—born of a prestigious family, a distinguished presence. Ximen Chuixue, Dugu Qiu Bai, all that was left was for her to carry a big sword and declare her journey to enlightenment.

[T/N: Ximen Chuixue and Dugu Qiu Bai are famous characters that are proficient in martial arts in chinese literature.]

Such an esoteric character image was practically suffused with an otherworldly aura. But now, this image had been dragged through the mud and soaked in MSG by the chief producer.

Su Jing hesitated, "Teacher Shen..."

"Never mind, don't call me that, Teacher Su. I wouldn't dare respond." Shen Qi chuckled playfully.

"Chief Producer Shen," Su Jing corrected herself.

So you never thought of calling her by her name? Inside, everyone was going crazy.

Su Jing hadn't realized what was off. Everyone around her was addressing Shen Qi this way, so that's what came to mind. She and Shen Qi had some interaction. During Class A, they had learned some choreography together.

Su Jing had an inherent sense of pride and rigidity that came from her family background. She didn't look highly upon contestants who relied solely on variety shows for their presence, without real talent. However, that wasn't the case for Shen Qi. Shen Qi excelled in both singing and dancing, and Su Jing had seen her perform beyond the ordinary level.

Although Su Jing felt Shen Qi was a bit showy on the show, she believed that individuals with real talent naturally had the qualifications to be showy. Those who were inferior should stay silent like chickens! So, even if public opinions about Shen Qi were mixed, Su Jing didn't concern herself with it. Instead, she found Shen Qi's flamboyance and uninhibited nature somewhat appealing.

She also wanted to be someone strong and willful!


"We're all here because you chose us. If you have any thoughts, just speak up," she said.

"My thought is that a strong alliance will prevail," Shen Qi said, blinking as she looked at the demo on her tablet. "I have a keen eye for people, don't worry. We'll conquer this song in seven days."

After all, she had individual data to guide her decisions.

Xin Qing wasn't as confident, "This dance has a lot of intricate moves, and it's not that easy. How about we practice first, see who's good, and assign roles based on ability? The capable should do more. What do you all think?"

Shen Yuan raised her hand in agreement, "That's a good idea. I'm in favor!"

People were somewhat surprised by Xin Qing's proactive cooperation. After all, she had always maintained a cold demeanor. The warm-up activities were usually done by Song Si Yao.

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