C4: The Curse of the He Family

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He Beidi, the manager of Shen Qi, had a "curse" within his family that had been passed down through generations.

- The He family curse, known as the "curse of women," afflicted each generation.

- Descendants of the He family must treat relationships with loyalty. If they cheat, they will face "heaven's condemnation." This "heaven's condemnation" means being visited by a "celestial maiden" to deliver retribution. It could range from mild scolding to severe punishment. It was said that his great-grandfather, grandfather, and even his father had all suffered in this aspect.

- The He family, once prosperous, lost everything due to their ancestors' "mistakes."

This kind of absurd theme wouldn't even pass muster for a web drama; it wouldn't stand a chance during review. He Beidi always treated this story as a special "joke" for the He family, believing it to be something concocted by some idle person from generations past to scare children. As for the bankruptcy of the He Corporation twenty years ago, it was truly due to his father's poor management. He Beidi didn't hold grudges against anyone, not even Chu Hua Group, which had acquired He Corporation at the time.

However, now, he couldn't help but recall his grandfather's dying admonishment: "If you ever encounter someone inconspicuous, and their demeanor suddenly changes drastically in a way that defies common sense, and this person happens to be a woman... Remember, never provoke her, because she might be here to kill you."

Not everyone descending from the heavens on a colorful cloud is necessarily a legendary hero; they might be coming to collect their dues.

He Beidi looked at Shen Qi, his gaze probing.

- So, is this woman here to take him down? Would she infuriate him to death?

"Just kidding, don't be mad," Shen Qi quickly apologized.

He Beidi cleared his throat and changed the subject, "I came here to tell you that the company and the production team are both under my purview. You don't need to worry. Focus on your competition and don't let outside influences affect you."

Regardless of whether this was a deity or a monster, they were a talent under the company-his talent. He would push her to stardom even if it meant crying.

Shen Qi earnestly indicated her understanding, "Got it, I understand. I'll listen to you." He Beidi briefed her on the signing process, and when he deemed the time was right, he took his leave. But after a moment of thought, he turned back.

"Shen Qi, I appreciate what you did for my family. But no matter who you are or how you ended up here, now you're my talent, and we share the same interests. I hope you can trust me. If anything comes up, don't handle it yourself. Consult with me first."

Regarding the incident with the last-minute change of program, the company had already inquired, and fortunately, the outcome was favorable. He explained a couple of things, and it was resolved.

"It was my fault this time. I promise there won't be a next time." Shen Qi raised her hand to show her determination, saying, "I promise!"

Perhaps due to Shen Qi's cooperation, He Beidi's aura softened. The current Shen Qi was like a raw gemstone, gradually revealing a hint of brilliance. Her future was boundless, and He Beidi was looking forward to it. As for her transformation... The entertainment industry had always been a place where the extraordinary clashed, and regular people struggled to survive.

As He Beidi left, he left Shen Qi in a daze.

She watched the departing figure of "He Beidi," shaking her head suddenly, her expression reminiscent of an elderly father as she sighed, "Little assistant, look, the baby from the He family is so adorable. He Sanshao was so troublesome back in the day, yet he managed to father such a well-behaved son... Tsk, tsk!"

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