C2: MSG Factory Heiress

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[T/N: the words inside brackets [] and are aligned to the right are MY comments or notes and the words inside brackets [] still part of the story]

While the perplexed thoughts were swirling on one side, the viewers in the live broadcast room were going crazy.

"The Second Aunt Duo... LOL, are these two sure they didn't wander into the wrong studio? Are they here for the neighboring comedy show?"

"This... this... this... openly teasing the mentors, Xie Kai is almost in tears, but I have to say, well done, haha!"

"Truthfully, I was almost falling asleep just now, and then these two suddenly woke me up. Idol contestants in the audience, please stop, your wisdom teeth are showing. Where's the punchline?"

"No matter how big the punchline is, it's not as impressive as these two knocking it out of the park! My mom just walked past my room and asked why there are girls doing comedy now..."

With Shen Qi and Shen Yuan's antics, the previous heaviness from the criticism of Sweety's ratings due to the national drama heritage was swept away. The atmosphere in the studio had returned to the enjoyable vibe of a variety show. Some trainees even commented that they had been so busy laughing that they'd forgotten about their nerves.

At this point, Xie Kai was developing some fondness for these two girls. However, this was still a competition, and the entertainment factor alone wouldn't cut it; their actual abilities would be the deciding factor.

"Alright then, Second Aunt Duo..."

Laughter couldn't be contained below the stage either, so Xie Kai gestured for everyone to quiet down.

"Regardless of the outcome, thank you for bringing joy to this stage. I believe everyone will remember you. If you're ready, let's begin the performance."

Both nodded. The lights dimmed, the atmosphere in the studio shifted, the playful teasing vanished, and only a serious stage remained.

The audience had two different expectations for these two girls. Including Xie Kai, most didn't set their hopes too high. Generally, truly skilled contestants wouldn't use such an opening approach. More often, it was due to a lackluster performance that these entertainment tricks were used to catch attention. On the other hand, dance mentor Gao Bing, who also had a background in girl groups, saw more potential in Shen Qi's balanced physique, the faint muscles in her calves and arms, and Shen Yuan's constantly pointed toes. She thought these two girls might just surprise everyone.

Music started playing, with a gramophone's scratch effects, carrying an old song's melody. Following the intro, piano accompaniment began, and Shen Yuan began singing—

"Time never stops, memories linger on..."

 A bit of flesh on a round face, a loli appearance, but when she started singing, it was a standard contralto, carrying a deep sense of bygone eras, a nostalgic sentiment from the golden age of music.

[Such a good voice!]

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

However, before they could fully appreciate it, Shen Qi's tone suddenly changed—

"Let's not talk about the past..."


Although the lyrics are connected, something seemed off. Why did it sound like a completely different song?

Shen Qi's singing voice was captivating, but it carried a modern feel that instantly brought the audience back to the present.

Thankfully, Shen Yuan quickly picked up the thread, singing "Life has seen many storms," seemingly getting the performance back on track. But then, Shen Qi disrupted the rhythm again—

The Whole Entertainment Circle is Waiting For My C-Debutحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن