Resentment. (26)

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**Bill POV**

I silently stared at Mathew, his eyes full of fire and resentment, my eyes wandered around his confused expression while his eyes still clearly kept the same anger from the last few years, I remembered how he was before all of this.

Class of '07 we had worn on our shirts
Mrs. Thornton's Class! Each picture of all the students and other small images of us in class, most of them as Mathew, his pearly white smile, his clothes were simple back then, white v- necked shirts with some normal navy blue pants.

His hair tired back into a bun. His piercing brown eyes, making the picture more lively, like without him the picture would be dull and blank just like how he is now. Just as dull and blank, his eyes no longer piercing but hollow, his big grin exchanged for a low empty smile. Behind the pride he'd shown he felt nothing, nothing anymore. His once empathetic mood was twisted into a violent cruel man with nothing to keep him exactly sane.

"You don't want this Mathew, I know it, You know it too." I redirected, the painful memories haunting my weak voice. "Why wouldn't I want this Bill? My dream, to make you pay for what you did to me, is becoming real, that's all I want, to ruin you." His voice smooth, soft and well maintained, a small crack revealed his true feelings though, the way his words vibrated past his vocal cords and escaped almost unsure.

Unease smeared into the sticky atmosphere, the way his body movement was it was most likely he felt it too, he felt how the air slightly suffocated our lungs. "Mathew you know-" my voice quickly interrupted as his voice harshly shouted. Anger rising from his heart, his words tumbled out like storm clouds slammed against each other to make lightning.

"What do I know bill?! What else do I know other than the fact you twisted and turned into my life, the way you shaped and molded me into a exact copy of you! A miserable, evil, useless copy of you, the whole time I felt like you wanted to show me how to live a perfect life! Look at me! Look at the way I've become while you try to change into the person I once was! I cant seek to change, I don't know how too and it's all your fucking fault! I despise the day I let you into my mind, the day I told you my darkest secrets and my fantasies, I abhor the day you manipulated me and lied to me claiming you'll teach me how to succeed in life! I hate you Bill and for that I hope you rot and suffer for the rest of your useless life!" He rambled on, his words sliced through my veins like razor blades. His eyes heavy and watery, glassy and hopeless, his once comforting eyes hollow, hollow like his once pure heart.

"I am sorry Mathew. I am, but don't do this you aren't this way, you said it yourself. I tried to stay calm, his confession broke my cold heart, it ripped at my veins one by one, I wanted to run and hug him, let him cry in my arms, help him change I no longer felt confident or prideful, just anger and sorrow.

*4 Years Ago*

-August 10th 2006*

I walked I to class unsure of who was here, I had skipped classes with Tom and Alexandria for the past week, always leaving around this time.

Me and Tom had no parents for us to get in trouble so the falls and messages of the school would go directly to Alex who had agreed it was cool with her, she had said she would for us, before class started Both Tom and Alex approached me. "You sure you don't want to skip this time? I'm going to the skating rink to get High" Tom had asked me, His voice was soft and simple, although his accent was a bit rough in English, he talked English only when Alex was around since she was the only one who didn't know German.

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