Book Two!

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After writing multiple epilogues I was unhappy with how they transitioned to the second book, so I have decided to not write one.

I just felt that as much as I wanted to write an epilogue, that the last chapter ended the book in the perfect way how I wanted it to.

There is going to be a huge time jump between the books, and I didn't feel like putting the skip in the epilogue would have transitioned how I wanted it to. Plus with the ending, if there are people who do not wish to read the next book and leave it as is, then that is for them to decide and it's not left off at a cliffhanger.

As much as I hope everyone enjoyed the first book enough to read the second, I do understand if there are people who do not wish to! It was my first book after all, and I know it has its faults.

However! For those of you who did enjoy the first one and are waiting on an update-

Book Two chapter one has been posted!

You can find it under my profile or by searching its name.

The name of the book is "The Fate of His Angel"!


Here is the description:

"Twenty years have passed since the day that Hyunjin lost his soulmate. It haunts him every waking hour, and as a Fallen Angel who never sleeps, that's a lot of time.

When Hyunjin spontaneously decides to visit Australia, the place where the love of his life was born and raised, he meets someone who reminds him a lot of the man he lost.

What if the resemblance is so uncanny it's hard for the Fallen to see the other as anyone other than his beloved Felix?

Is it just coincidence, or is it fate?"


So yeah, let me know what you think!

Happy reading! 🤍

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