Something Worth Losing

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"How Dangerous, to finally have something worth losing."


Hyunjin felt tense as he stared into the eyes of the demon. He wanted nothing more than to destroy it right there, but there were also many innocent people there. He could make them forget seeing it, but putting their lives at risk was not something he could do.

He was pulled out of his state by Felix, who had grabbed his hand and was pulling him over the the others. He had only looked away for a moment, but when he looked back over to where the demon stood moments prior, Wooyoung was now alone, scrolling on his phone.

He could still feel their presence but they were no where to be seen.

"Guys! I wanted to introduce you to Hyunjin!" Felix couldn't introduce him as anything more than that as he didn't officially know what they were. They were soul bound but he wasn't going to put a label on them without talking to the elder first.

Still on guard, his jaw tight as he tried to pinpoint where the dangerous being was, he tried to engage in on meeting the others. Felix could tell he was distracted but he didn't know by what. A frown playing on his features as he gently nudged Hyunjin, once again brining him back to where he was.

"Hm? Hello, It's a pleasure to meet you all." He spoke while looking at the group of guys who were there.

"Hyunjin, this is Changbin, Seungmin, and Jeongin! Seungmin and Jeongin were the first of our group to work at the café, Changbin joining along with Han soon after. I joined after those four!" Felix explained to the Hyunjin, excited to finally get to introduce everyone.

The group smiled and bowed to him. Seungmin seemed a bit apprehensive. Felix typically told them everything, but ever since the day with the tattoo and the roses, he had kept more to himself. Most of the group hadn't noticed, but Seungmin was very observant. Felix hadn't even ever mentioned Hyunjin.

Felix then turned to face Hyunjin again, his sunshiny smile on display, unaware of the concern in his friends face.

"Chan I believe went to the backyard to get the grill started, he's the dad of the group and likes to make sure everyone eats. You've already met Ji. There's also Minho who is Jisung's boyfriend, and of course Wooyoung! I saw his boyfriend here too not long ago... but I don't know where he went." Felix was pointing at each of the people as he spoke, but a frown appeared as he was trying to spot the said boyfriend. "He may have gone to the bathroom... anyways, his boyfriend's name is San! He's a pretty cool guy as well. He doesn't work at the Café, but he comes in to see Woo sometimes."

Hyunjin felt anger knowing that this 'San' guy had been near Felix before, and obviously has had conversations with him. He wondered if this was the demon who had been stalking Felix in his home.

"Yo Felix! Who's your friend?" The voice came from the familiar face of Wooyoung. Hyunjin had seen him a couple times in the café. But hearing that his boyfriend was the demon, he was hesitant. He could sense he was human though, so he was worried for this guy.

"Woo! This is Hyunjin, he's the guy who brought me roses to the café !"

"Ah! So a face has been put to the culprit! Nice to meet you Hyunjin!" He bowed then held his hand out to him when he stood.

Hyunjin shook his hand, using this moment to gauge Wooyoung's aura. He didn't sense anything out of the ordinary. When they released hands, there was another person who appeared. His arm going around Wooyoung's waist.

"Sannie! Perfect timing, Felix was just introducing his friend to me." Wooyoung leaned into the demons side.

San looked at Hyunjin, a dark glimmer in his eye as he held his hand out.

"It's so nice to meet you Hyunjin."

He was hesitant to grab the others hand, but Felix was watching, he had to act like nothing was wrong.

"The pleasure is mine." His voice came out a bit cold, but thankfully no one picked up on it, other than San. The twos grip tight in each others for a moment before they let go.

Completely unaware of the stare down Hyunjin and San were having, Felix began to chat with Wooyoung about the plans for the night.

That was until Chan called out to the group informing them that the grill was ready and the bon fire would be lit soon.


Hyunjin sat at Felix's side, refusing to leave the boy alone. It was dark now. Dinner had been finished, cake and birthday toasts shared, and everyone was gathered around the bonfire in the backyard. People were off in their own little worlds, chatting happily.

Except Hyunjin.

He was on edge all night, afraid of what may happen if San decided to attack Felix.

It was painfully obvious just by the look San gave Hyunjin, that he was there for Felix.

So when he saw the demon stand up and excuse himself inside, he excused himself as well with the excuse of needing to use the bathroom.

He followed the demon inside and into the living room where San stood waiting with a smirk, knowing very well the fallen would follow.

"Well, well, well. What a pleasure it is to have the most well known Angel of Death here in front of me."

"Cut the shit. You're after Felix."

"Now why would I be after him?" The sarcasm dripping from his voice made anger course through Hyunjin's veins.

"You know just as well as I do, why you're after him."

San let out a deep chuckle, taking two long strides forward until he was face to face with Hyunjin.

"It's not me you should be worried with, with your precious little soul."

Hyunjin's jaw clenched.

"Your clan leader." He stated firmly, knowing very well that the demon likely had. Most demons ran in clans as they were stronger together.

San smirked at his answer. Not confirming nor denying.

"That boy is remarkable, isn't he? He'd made a great addition to our clan, or maybe simply a vessel. Oh how dangerous, dear Fallen, to finally have something worth losing."

"You won't be able to lay a hand on him." Hyunjin was quick to grab Sans throat tight. Ready to fight and destroy the demon in front of him.

"Like I said, it's not me you should be worried about." The smirk on Sam's face was enough to make Hyunjin's throat go dry.

Were the others there? If so how had he not detected them? He didn't have time to deal with the one in front of him. He had to make sure Felix was safe.

Hyunjin let out a growl and forcefully shoved San away as he quickly made his way back to the backyard. He couldn't risk fighting the demon now. Not when there was a risk of other demons being there now as well.

Wooyoung had taken up conversation with Felix again. The two now standing off to the side of the yard where the drink table was set up.

Hyunjin was about to go up and tell Felix they had to leave, but he was interrupted by Chan calling out.

"Happy birthday Felix!" It was now Midnight.

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