Who Are You?

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"Who are you?"
"Demon to Some, Angel to Others."


Felix found himself staring up into the strikingly bright blue eyes of the gorgeous man who had been gone for the past month.

He was real, and he was standing only a couple feet away. If he reached out, Felix would be able to touch him. But it seemed the other had those plans first.

He took a stride forward and stood almost pressed up against Felix. It caught the younger off guard causing him to stumble back, but his movement was mimicked by the red haired male.

Felix now found himself with his back against the counter, and the taller male caging him in between his arms.

Reality hit him as he realized this was a stranger. A stranger who had kissed him, then came to him in a dream, told him he'd be back, then disappeared for over a month. His brain told him he should push this man away until he got answers, but his heart told him not to.

He had to look up due to the height difference and found himself mesmerized by the beauty of this man once again.

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long..." the taller spoke softly. Leaning down only slightly, to gaze into the soft blue eyes of the blonde.

"Where were you..?" That should not have been Felix's first question, but for some reason it was the only one that he could get out. He was way too curious about where he had been.

Hyunjin thought for a moment. He wasn't sure how much exactly he should reveal. This was all too new to Felix and he didn't want to overwhelm him even though he knew any information he was about to give would do just that.

"I was with the elders... they weren't happy with me after that night. They called me back so they could reprimand me for going against the rules."

"W-what do you mean you went against the rules..? What did you do..?"

Hyunjin chucked and brought his right hand up to gently cup Felix's cheek.

"I saved your life. It was your time to go, but I couldn't let you go. So I went against the rules and restored your soul to your body..."

Felix couldn't help but to lean into the hand against his cheek. It was so warm and made him feel at ease, even with the insane statements he was hearing.

"But if it was my time... doesn't that mean the 'Elders' or whoever could just set to kill me again..?" Felix chewed on his lip, making the soft flesh raw.

"They can't interfere with you anymore... that's why they're reprimanding me instead... you belong to me..."

Felix furrowed his brow and gently pulled the red haired man's hand off.

"What do you mean, I belong to you? I don't even know your name... I only met you two times, the first on 'that night'... the other in my dream... who are you..?" Finally Felix got out the question he should have asked in the first place...

The stranger thought for a second on how to answer. He gently slid his hands down on to the younger's waist, lifting him up with seemingly no effort, making Felix sit on the counter in front of him.

"I guess you could say some people see me as a demon... others would say I'm an Angel... both are correct in some sense... my name is Hwang Hyunjin... I'm the Angel of Death." Their faces inches apart thanks to the seated position Felix was in. His mouth fell open slightly as his suspicions were answered to be true.

"A-And you said I belong to you..? What does that mean..?"

Hyunjin brought his hand up, gently placing it on the back of Felix's neck. In the next instant, Felix felt the rose tattoo under the hand of the Angel of Death heat up.

"It means you share the kiss of death... when I kissed you, it bound your soul to mine..." he then gently removed his hand, the heat disappearing. Hyunjin pulled his leather sleeve up revealing the same rose tattoo adorning the skin on his wrist.

Felix stared in awe at the tattoo. The puzzle pieces now falling into place. After a moment, the fallen angel's sleeve was pushed back down and his hands found their way back to Felix's waist. It should have felt wrong considering the short period of time they've been around eachother, but Felix couldn't help but feel like it was right. Like it was safe to be in the others hold like he was. I guess that's what happens when your soul is bound to someone.

"So have you been watching over me while you've been gone..?"

Hyunjin frowned and looked down. He looked guilty.

"I really wanted to. It pained me not knowing if you were safe... but being with the Elders they had temporarily revoked my powers... I was basically back to being a lost soul again, trapped waiting in limbo."

Felix's face fell immediately. A bit of terror creeping up onto his expression. One that Hyunjin picked up on immediately.

"What happened..?" He asked, his grip on Felix's waist getting a bit tighter, but not enough to hurt.

It was then that Felix went into detail about every single thing that had happened over the month. From the door and windows, to the shadow, to the feeling of fear he had just before Hyunjin's arrival while he was showering.

"I knew it was a long shot, but I was hoping the feelings of being watched was just you..."

The worry that came across Hyunjin's features did not bring comfort to Felix in the slightest.

The next moment, Hyunjin was scouting the house, Felix following behind, watching as his fingers brushing over many surfaces, his eyes scanning the different places Felix had mentioned having something strange happen. The red haired male's last stop was the shower in Felix's room.

To say Hyunjin looked angry was an understatement. His bright eyes now were dark. He looked territorial.

"I promise you, Angel. I won't let them lay a hand on you."

Death's Angel ~HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now