Into Our Fears

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"We Become Fearless By Walking Into Our Fears."


Felix chewed on his lip and carried the card with him to the front where Jisung stood.

"Who left the flowers? Did he give you a name? Or did you see what he looked like?"

Jisung was about to happily answer, but his face shifted to one of confusion.

"He didn't say his name, and honestly... for some reason, I can't remember what he looked like... I know I saw him but now that I'm thinking back, I can't remember anything of the man... sorry Lix."

Felix nodded his head trying to wrap his head around how Jisung couldn't remember a single feature of the man as he returned back to the roses, carefully placing them on top of his locker to grab later.

Felix felt like his shift would never end, but regardless he put in his best effort, not wanting to disappoint his boss. Finally when it was time to go home, he bid Minho a easy shift for the night as he took over the kitchen.

He carried his vase of roses and left the café, spotting the new hire Wooyoung walking up to the entrance.

"Hey Lix! Who gave you the flowers?" He gave a teasing smirk to the younger.

"I wish I could tell you." He gave a half laugh. Still unsure about the whole rose situation.

"They had no name attached and Ji can't remember what the man looked like."

"Ohh so you got a secret admirer then!" He gave a playful poke to the younger's shoulder. Wooyoung was a very playful person, and though they hadn't worked together long, Felix always enjoyed when they worked together or their shifts overlapped. He laughed in return to the elder.

Of course he had an idea who the flowers were from but he couldn't exactly tell people who it was until he knew for sure. And even then... who would believe him if he were to say who he thought it was... they'd laugh in his face or admit him to a mental hospital. No one knew of what happened in the alley and being as there was no physical proof of the attack, there was no way anyone would believe him.

Felix bid farewell to his new friend and began his journey home, unaware of the gaze that remained on him.

Felix began unpacking his belongings, the vase of roses now complete with the full dozen, sitting on the dining room table.

Plates and cups stacked around the kitchen counter space, still wrapped in protective layers of paper after removing them from the boxes.

The house was silent aside from the shuffling of the paper as Felix removed each item, carefully stacking them in their respective places in the cabinet.

He reached to place another glass on the shelf when he froze, hand still in the air. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, as a chill ran down his spine.

The sound of the front door unlatching had frozen him in place. His ears on alert, Felix silently placed the cup back on the counter and reached for the only weapon he could see, a wooden spoon. His knife block still packed away in one of the many boxes. Thankful for being light on his feet, he tiptoed to the corner near the entryway.

His house small, and the sound clearly came from the direction of the entrance.

His heart was pounding in his chest as he listened for any noise. He didn't hear anything. No shuffling, no breathing, nothing.

Peaking his head around the corner where the front door was. His heart sinking to his stomach as his eyes landed on the door which was cracked slightly open. He clearly remembered locking the door. Yet here it was, open and unlocked.

Tears threatened to spill down his cheeks as he quickly stepped forward and tried to silently shut it, locking it in the same second. His grip on the spoon tighter than ever.

He glanced around the living room and to the open doorways leading to the bedrooms and bathroom. He was torn in his decision to check the rooms to make sure he was alone or run out of the house and call the cops. On one hand he hadnt heard any footsteps in the house and the only indication of something being off was the door being unlocked and the sound of the door opening, and on the other hand, if he had just missed the footsteps and someone was in the rooms he would be walking right into danger. But if no one was inside and someone had left the house, who knows if they were still outside, so he couldn't run out there.

He reached for his pocket where his phone usually was before he remembered he had put it to charge in his bedroom. His gut twisted with even more panic as he knew he had no way to contact anyone if someone really had broken in.

After debating with himself and swallowing down the fear that made him want to vomit, Felix moved as quietly as he could towards the doors on the other side of the living room.

He peaked into the bathroom on the left first, thankfully that there was no shower curtain. Seeing nothing and knowing the storage closets has no room for anyone to hide, he prepared himself to look into the bedrooms.

He felt his heart racing a mile a minute. Felix stepped forward and did a quick scan in both rooms for anything immediately out of ordinary. Not seeing anything he straightened up and stepped into his room.

A heavy knock sent Felix into panic, a short terrified scream escaping from his mouth as he nearly collapsed, leaning against the wall just on the inside of his bedroom for support. Both of his hands automatically going to his mouth covering it tightly. Tears spilt down his cheeks finally as all the fear built up washed over him.

He stayed silent until another knock sounded through the house, followed by a voice, muffled by the front door.

"Oi Felix! Are you home?"

Felix jumped up on his trembling legs as he ran to the front door, looking through the peep hole. As soon as he saw Chan's face he fumbled with the lock and yanked the door open, practically throwing himself into his Aussie brother's arms.

 As soon as he saw Chan's face he fumbled with the lock and yanked the door open, practically throwing himself into his Aussie brother's arms

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