True Love

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"Sometimes true love arrives in the form of a loving demon, a protective monster, or a dark angel:
who has been waiting for you all along."
-Ann Narie Eleazer~


After another two hours of celebration, some of the guys excused themselves inside to get some sleep before the celebrations would continue the next day. Hyunjin made sure to stay by Felix's side the entire time.

Thankfully San declared he was headed home. He claimed to have work the following day, which Hyunjin clearly knew was bullshit. But he was just happy to be able to relax a bit more.

He would worry about the demons later, for now he wanted to celebrate Felix's birthday.

Soon it was just Hyunjin and Felix outside, the fire slowly dying out. The two decided to spend a bit more time considering Felix knew Hyunjin didn't sleep.

"Lix, I want to show you something. Do you trust me?" He asked softly, gently thumbing over the younger's knuckles.

This brought Felix's face from the smoldering embers to Hyunjin's face.

"Of course I trust you... I trust you more than I trust anyone." He wasn't lying either. Hyunjin felt safe. He was home to Felix now.

Hyunjin smiled and stood up from his seat, pulling Felix with him. They snuck quietly through the gate of the fence and to a secluded area. Hyunjin stood in front of Felix, both of his smaller hands gripped in the fallen's larger.

He looked into the younger's eyes as he focused his energy, rolling his shoulders back. Mere moments later, large black feathered wings sprouted from the red haired males back.

Felix was left stunned at the beauty of the wings. His jaw slack, eyes wide and seemingly glimmering with amazement.

"Wow... they're so beautiful, Jinnie." He gently removed one of his hands from Hyunjin's and reach ouch delicately running a finger over one of the feathers.

The Fallen smiled watching the actions of the man he had become enamored with.

"You want to fly..?" The question made Felix's eyes go even wider if possible.

"Really?! Are you serious?" He asked hopefully, not expecting the elder to offer this.

"Of course. You have to trust me though, and hang on tight."

Felix nodded his head quickly and waited for instruction that he didn't receive. Instead he was swept up into Hyunjin's arms with ease, bridal style. His arms instinctively went to Hyunjin's neck, wrapping around to brace himself.

"Uhhh, Hyunjin, won't carrying me like this throw off your balance?" The worry in his voice was evident, but it brought a chuckle to Hyunjin.

"Angel, I'm much stronger than you think I am. Besides, how else am I going to hold you? I can't put you on my back, my wings need to be able to move."

Felix blushed, realizing how stupid his question even was. Hyunjin wasn't human, he was a fallen Angel. A ethereal being with powers, of course he was strong enough to carry him.

He nodded his head, acknowledging Hyunjin's statement. He held on tighter though.

Hyunjin pushed off the ground, using his wings to keep them above the ground. Pushing them higher and higher every beat of his wings.

Felix was mesmerized, watching as the ground got further away. He was slightly scared, heights not being his favorite thing, but being in Hyunjin's arms helped.

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