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"When you kiss and it feels like...


The next couple months went by smoothly in Felix's opinion. That night that Hyunjin came over with take out food, they enjoyed it together before Felix watched the Fallen once again go around his home and place stronger seals and protection.

As of that night Felix had felt his home become comfortable. He felt safest there, but even more so when the red haired was with him.

During the days when Felix was at work, Hyunjin sometimes would stop in and order an Americano just to check in on the other. Sometimes though he just popped in while keeping himself hidden so the cameras wouldn't detect him and get Felix in trouble for having a non employee in the room.

Often, Hyunjin would come over and spend his nights with the blonde, sometimes bringing food, and sometimes more roses when the previous ones would wilt. Unbeknownst to felix though, Hyunjin often would leave in the middle of the night to fulfill his duties as a fallen. He was granted his full powers back by the Elders, however, he wasn't collecting nearly as many souls as before so he wasn't as strong as he had been before.

That all led to where the two were now. Hyunjin lay with his back against the headboard of the bed in Felix's room. Felix with his back rested against Hyunjin's chest while he rambled on about the day he had at work. His small hands gently playing with the rings adorning Hyunjin's long thin fingers.

"These guys were so rude, they made Jisung cry. Minho nearly lost his job had Wooyoung not stepped in and told him to comfort Jisung while he took care of the issue."

Hyunjin had his head tilted so he could look at Felix's side profile while he spoke. A small frown on his face as he listened to how upset Felix was from the altercation that occurred.

"When Minho brought Ji into the back and I saw him crying I was so mad. I wanted to punch these guys in the face. I am a black belt in Taekwondo... but when I went to the front, the guys were nowhere to be seen, but Wooyoung came back inside and said he made them leave."

"Well that's good that there was no further complications then... right Sunshine?" Hyunjin asked while gently leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on the smallers cheek, making him blush a deep red. His voice went quiet as he fought away the blush.

"Yeah, but Hannie is like my twin... he's only a day older than me... if anyone hurts him, they have to speak with me."

Hyunjin chuckled and ran his free hand through Felix's hair.

"Speaking of your birthday... it's coming up."

Felix nodded and looked at Hyunjin with a smile.

Hyunjin couldn't help but get lost in Felix's eyes when he smiled. They were shining so much and making his freckles stand out even more. He chewed on his lip as he continued to gaze.

"What would you like for your birthday then?" He asked softly, leaning in slightly so their faces were mere centimeters apart.

Felix felt his breath get caught in his throat at their sudden close faces. They hadn't kissed since the night Hyunjin saved him. They hadn't even really talked about it... but Felix honestly wished they would. He wanted to feel the elders lips again after all these months.

"I..." he trailed off, unable to process any thought. This caused Hyunjin to smirk. He leaned even closer, glancing at his lips from time to time.

Right before their lips touched he turned his face a bit and kissed Felix's cheek again.

Felix felt his heart racing and his stomach churn with slight dissatisfaction at the almost kiss turned cheek peck. He wasn't shy when it came to affection usually, but considering he really only ever had platonic relationships this was new. He felt the butterflies churning in his stomach and his heart beat quickening in his chest as he made a choice. He placed one of his hands on Hyunjin's cheek before pressing his lips to the tallers. Their lips immediately melting together as Hyunjin gave into the kiss. Of course it wasn't their first kiss, but it was the first one where both of them were in control of their bodies, and it left them both breathless despite it not going further than a gentle locking of the lips.

Hyunjin's hands tightened their hold on Felix's waist, pulling him so they were now facing eachother fully. Felix on his knees between the elders legs, their lips still slowly moving together, and coming apart before meeting again. The kiss was slow, but the two of them could tell this was something they were waiting for. The feeling of butterflies making them both feel light headed.

After a minute they both pulled away speechless. Staring into each others eyes as if the other would disappear if they dared look away. Gentle smiles playing on their lips as the reality set in that they both knew the other felt the same from one simple look.

"I just want to spend my birthday with you... that's my birthday wish. Jisung and I are having a joint birthday party. He's been talking about it all year. Come with me and meet my friends. We're going to be at Jisung's house, there will be a campfire in the back yard, drinking, karaoke, and dancing." Felix's deep voice was soft as he spoke, almost sounding afraid to break the peaceful quiet of the room.

Hyunjin was hesitant. He was allowed to show himself to people, but usually he left his identity a mystery, persuading people to forget how he looks just from the aura his power radiates.

"I've already met them, Angel. I go to the coffee shop from time to time to get coffee remember..?"

"Hyunjin, you and I both know nobody can remember what you look like. Jeongin, Seungmin, and Jisung always asks why they haven't gotten to meet the man who brought me roses. And Jisung still doesn't understand how he can't remember what you look like that one day."

The red haired male sighed and ran a hand through his own hair, pushing it back. After a moment he nodded his head. He would do anything to make Felix happy.

"I'll go with you, and genuinely meet them."

Felix's eyes lit up as he practically vibrated with happiness, clapping his hands before placing another quick kiss to Hyunjins lips.

"Won't it be great to actually get to interact with people? You won't have to hide away! You can become their friends too!"

"Angel, I'm not supposed to have friends." Hyunjin laughed as he pulled the younger to lay down to get him to calm down. It was getting late and Hyunjin had to go do some collections.

"But doesn't it get lonely?" Felix asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"It does, but I have you now. When I'm with you, the loneliness goes away." He smiled and gently played with Felix's hair while looking over his freckles covering his cheeks. He wanted to count them. But he didn't have time. Not right then.

Felix relaxed into blankets surrounding them. Hyunjin continued to caress the younger's hair until soon he heard his breath even out and he felt the shift as Felix fully slipped into his dreams.

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