Too Late

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"Sadly, sometimes it's too late.
And that's the thing about time, we cannot get it back."


Hyunjin could sense something terribly wrong. His tattoo burning against his wrist. He focused his energy on the rose, pain then erupting through his body the same way it coursed through Felix's.

His own legs collapsing under him, shocked at the sudden pressure and tearing sensation. Forcing himself through the pain, he tried to locate where Felix was. It took longer than he would have liked, but the pain was so overwhelming it took so much energy to push through.

He couldn't waste time though. Releasing his energy from the connection, he closed his eyes and focused on the exact location of his beloved. He just prayed he was not too late.


Felix was no longer in control. He was a prisoner in his own body. Watching through eyes that no longer resembled his own, but in the body that was.

He felt weak. Finally able to wrap his head around what had happened, the blonde couldn't believe it. Wooyoung, one of his coworkers, a friend, someone who he trusted, was a demon of sort. A hybrid, as the male he had never met before stated. Had Hyunjin known about him before? If so, why hadn't he warned him? No, there was no way he knew.

He tried to cry out, tried to move his body, but he couldn't. He watched as if he were in a movie as his own hands stretched out in front of him, as if examining. Wooyoung, the hybrid of a human mother and a demon father, now looking over the host he now inhabited.

"The energy, his power is immense." He heard his own voice speak even when he knew he hadn't opened his mouth to speak.

His body stood up, stretching, rolling every joint. He could see it was no longer just him and the one other, now there were a total of 7 others. San included, who now stood, one hand on his shoulder.

The fear Felix felt was intense. He wanted to cry, but his body even refused to produce tears.

"Shall we-?" His voice began, but was cut off by a loud crash and San being ripped away from his side. Wooyoung shot Felix's head towards the crash and where San had been launched.

Hyunjin hunched over San, arms expelling a black mist. San on his back pinned to the ground by one of Hyunjin's hands gripping his neck.

Hyunjin's eyes were no longer that striking blue, now a pure black, no white to be seen. He looked pissed.

Wooyoung decided to play dumb.

"Hyunjin!" He cried out, feigning fear. Acting as if seeing Hyunjin was his savior.

Felix tried screaming for Hyunjin. To warn him. But it was to no avail.

Hyunjin's eyes locked onto Felix, doing a quick once over, not noticing the one thing that would give away the fact it wasn't Felix. The change in eye color.

"Lix, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine! Please get me out of here. I'm scared!" He cried.

Hyunjin looked around seeing the other demons stand at ready. Waiting for the moment to strike. But with Hyunjin on San, they didn't want to risk attacking or Hyunjin may kill him.

"You're outnumbered Hyunjin, you may as well give up. Even with San gone, you'll be outnumbered."

"Just because I'm out numbered, doesn't mean I can't kill you all." He growled out through his teeth, which now resembled razors with how sharp they were.

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