-Would Smell As Sweet

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Felix sat on his couch, the rose laying on the coffee table in front of him. Tears threatened to spill down his cheeks as they stung his eyes. This all felt like a cruel joke someone was playing on him.

The rose hadn't been there that morning when he left, which meant in the short time that he was gone, not even a full hour, someone had left a rose on his doorstep. And now knowing he had a rose tattoo, which he had no recollection of getting, he now was certain it was no coincidence. Same with the rose scent from his 'nightmare' which was not feeling just like a nightmare. He almost felt like he was living in the world of Nightmare on Elm Street.

He felt like he was going insane.

Felix felt the need to get out of this house and away from this neighborhood. It didn't feel like he was safe. If someone put a rose on his doorstep, then that meant they knew where he lived.

He just had to wait until he could get the key to his house, he would hire a moving company to take his stuff, which already was packed up aside from his bedding he just had to throw into a box. And he would never come back here again.

With trembling fingers, careful of the thorns, he picked up the rose and brought it to his nose, inhaling the scent. The scent sent shivers down his spine, even without the hint of vanilla. It was not the kind of shivers that you got with fear though. No, for some strange reason the scent had sent a wave of comfort through the boys body.

He always used to love the sweet smell of roses. And it seemed some things never changed.

Finally with the key to his new house, Felix had returned back to the old apartment with the moving company, let them in, and once they were done, he had turned his keys into his landlord.

Now he stood in his new living room of his cozy, 2 bedroom house. He had saved up enough money for the down payment on the house as well as a couple months pay for the mortgage and now he could happily say he had a home. A safe area away from that alley.

The movers had just left, and Felix sat on his couch again. He had so much to unpack, but the sun was already set and he was exhausted, both mentally and physically.

He searched for the box with his bedding. He made his bed before changing into pajamas. Laying down and stared at his ceiling, feeling uneasy from everything that had occurred in the last 24 hours.

It took him around an hour, but eventually he did fall asleep.

Felix opened his eyes and looked around the surrounding area. He was back at the alley which he was attacked. He was startled to say the least. Already feeling anxiety building in his chest, he looked all around him trying to make sense of why he was here.

Heavy footsteps made their way closer to him but he couldn't pinpoint from which direction. His body trembled and he was about to take off running when that same vanilla rose scent came back to his senses. All fear seemed to evaporate from his body in an instant, he stood still wanting to see the source of the smell.

A figure appeared out of practically nowhere from the dark of the alley and came closer to him, only stopping when he was directly in front of the young blonde.

The man stood with his dark hood over his head. The full black leather outfit paired with heavy combat boots made the man look rather intimidating. He was thin, but even under the clothes, Felix could tell he was fit. Thanks to the playforms on the boots the man was a good 8 inches or more taller making Felix have to look up to see where his face was obscured.

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