A Rose By Any Other Name-

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Felix jolted awake from where he lay in bed. Tears streaming down his face as he struggled to catch his breath. His body was covered in sweat. Noticing he was in his room, his hands quickly moved to his stomach and chest feeling for any indication of injury. His small fingers clutching at the fabric of his tshirt.

He was surprised to not feel any pain. Was it all a dream? How did he get back to his apartment? It felt so real. And who was that beautiful red haired man? Was Felix actually dead and now in heaven?

There was no way that last one was true. If it was, why would he still be in the apartment that he was trying to leave from...

So was it hell?

He glanced down and noticed he was no longer wearing the clothes he had been the night before. Who changed him? And where did the clothes he was wearing go?

He stood up and went to his bathroom, lifting up his shirt and looking in the mirror. Despite not feeling any wounds, he had to be sure. His heart was pounding in his chest as he saw no marks, no scratches, not even a scar.

Maybe he was just so tired last night he zoned out getting the rest of the way home and changed before he had that nightmare.

Running his fingers through his damp with sweat hair, he stripped out of his clothes and got into the shower.

For a few minutes he just let the stinging heat of the shower run over his skin, turning it pink wherever the water hit. His mind was filled with a million questions, not a single answer to be found.

As he scrubbed away the sweat from the night before, his mind kept replaying the nightmare. More so kept replaying the moment when the red haired male was there. When he leaned down and pressed a kiss to Felix's lip.

Felix could remember vividly how his body went from freezing cold to tingling with warmth before it began to burn. Then as the stranger kissed him, and everything faded away.

There was no way he was going to be able to just move on from what happened. The nightmare felt too real to have simply been a figment of his imagination.

He couldn't dwell on it at the moment though. He had to get to work for his shift. He only had to get through half a shift so he could go get his keys to his new house today and begin moving.

Felix called a uber to work, half afraid to walk past the alley where the dream had taken place.

When he arrived at work, he greeted his some of his coworkers and friends Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin as he placed his things in his locker.

He pushed his bangs back from his face using a headband. The rest would be held by the hairnet he was required to wear.

He slipped on his apron and was about to go into the kitchen when he was stopped by Jisung who was still at the lockers.

"WHOA! Lix, when did you get a tattoo?"

Felix was confused. He looked at the barista with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't have a tattoo. What do you mean?"

Jisung laughed and came up to him, circling him so he was behind him. Gently he touched the back of Felix's neck.

"Come on you don't have to lie! Its fully healed! That means you've had it for awhile right? It's very pretty, just didn't expect you to be the first one of us to get one."

Death's Angel ~HyunlixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang