Waiting For You

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"Alice: 'How long is Forever?'
White Rabbit: 'Sometimes, Just one second.'"
-Alice in Wonderland


The dead weight on his arm was enough to tear a gut wrenching sob from Hyunjin's throat.

Hyunjin landed quickly, trying to be as careful as possible not to let the other scrape the ground. Once Felix lay on the ground, Hyunjin was quick to move, pulling the blonde into his lap.

The younger's eyes were closed. Having shut his eyes moments before impact, as if preparing himself.

Hyunjin sobbed as he began checking for wounds, then a pulse, his trembling fingers pausing at the back of his head, a large wound from where his head hit the ground. Blood quickly coating his hand.

There was no sign of life in the male.

The fallen began to try to heal the wound. His lips connecting with Felix's much like they had the night he was stabbed many months back. But this time it was much more desperately.

A faint light came from his fingers before dying out not even a second after it started. He tried again, and again. The light becoming fainter with each attempt. His body was too weak from the fight and power he used.

Hyunjin pulled back eyes scanning every inch of Felix's face, unable to keep in one spot. Searching for anything that may give him hope.

There remained no signs.

He let out another anguished wail. Clutching the younger in his arms. Hunched over the lifeless corpse of his love, forehead pressed to the unmoving chest.

"NO! I can lose everything, but not you... oh God... not you..." His wings wrapped tightly around them, making a personal cocoon. The same way they had on the lookout point the night they became boyfriends.

"Our forever was supposed to be longer..." his bottom lip trembled with every breath he took. The despair practically crushing him as he hunched over.

Sirens could be heard in the distance. Reports from late workers and people at nearby bars about hearing screams and glass shattering having been called in for police to investigate.

Hyunjin had to leave... but there was an issue... where did Felix's soul go... Hyunjin was too weak to save him... too weak to even reap the soul and send it to where it belonged. But then again he couldn't even sense the soul he was meant to protect. It was as if it vanished the moment upon impact.

The sirens were getting closer, he had to leave before he was seen. Leaning down he left one last kiss on his soft lips. A broken sob escaping as he pulled away. As gently as possible, he lay Felix on the concrete, wincing at the thought of the open wound being on the ground.

He stood on trembling legs, which threatened to give out below him, taking weak steps back. Hyunjin looked at the form of the most loving being who had ever lived.

"I-I'm so sorry, Angel." His voice broke as he forced himself to fly.

With wings, just as his legs, weak and slow, he managed to slip away into the darkness just as the police arrived on scene.


The funeral was held on a Sunday. Unlike the cliché rainy days people associate with funerals, the day was sunny. On top of that, it was the first snow of the year. Beautiful white flakes of cold powder falling gently from the sky, landing on the stark contrasting dark clothes the funeral guests wore.

The news of the death of their sunshine, had broken the friend group. It caused countless breakdowns and intense denial, no one wishing to believe it to be true. The Café was closed until further notice for the friends to grieve.

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