Night In

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"'The problem is,' he said as he leaned in, "if I kissed you. I don't think I'd be able to stop."


Felix lay on Hyunjin's chest. A smile on display as he listened to the fallens heart beat. He kept glancing at the rings on his finger. He hasn't taken them off since Hyunjin put them there.

A little over a month has passed since his birthday. Halloween was approaching, and Felix's friends were already talking about having a party. Which Hyunjin was apprehensive about.

He told Felix about San, and while Felix was surprised, but he believed Hyunjin. Felix was worried about Wooyoung, he was after all a demon's boyfriend. He wanted to find a way to tell the other, without hurting him, but it seemed San stopped showing up. He no longer came to the café, and Wooyoung stopped mentioning him. So Felix assumed maybe they had broken up. But he didn't dare ask, afraid to hurt his friend in the case that they had and he was just trying to deal with the breakup in silence.

Life had been pretty good. He stopped getting that dreadful feeling of being followed, like he was prey whenever he was away from the house. He and Hyunjin were dating officially, going on dates like a normal couple. Sometimes Felix even forgot the other was literally the Angel of Death.

He was broken out of his thoughts as he felt Hyunjin begin playing with his hair. He changed his position so he could look up at his boyfriend.

Hyunjin was already looking at him, a smile on his face as he relaxed, holding him close.

"I'm gonna have to leave soon, Lixie." He spoke quietly. This was their routine now. They would cuddle in bed, occasionally watch a movie. Felix would either fall asleep before he had to leave, or would manage to stay awake long enough to protest the other leaving.

The elders statement brought a pout to Felix's face. He sat up, still looking down at the red haired male.

"What if I don't want you to leave?" His question was rhetorical, knowing very well why he had to leave every night. He still had to keep reaping. He was already weaker than he used to be considering fallen got their powers from reaping the souls tans sending them to the afterlife.

Hyunjin chuckled and sat up, leaning in close to Felix's face. The two of them mere centimeters away.

"You know I would love to stay." He brought a hand up, gently caressing his cheek. His thumb tracing over the beautiful constellations of freckles that scattered across his lovers skin. His eyes found his favorite one. A heart shaped one near his eye. Hyunjin leaned in, gently letting his lips press over the freckle letting his lips linger for a moment before pulling back.

A dark blush coated Felix's cheeks at the action. Immediately diving in and burying his face in the neck of Hyunjin.

Hyunjin began to laugh as he wrapped his arms around the small male.

"Hey, why are you hiding?"

He didn't get a reply other than a small hum.

Hyunjin smirked, his hands moving from around him to rest on Felix's hips for a second. A very common thing he did, but they didn't stay there, soon moving up slightly as he began to tickle his sides.

Felix yelled out in surprise as he tried to break free of the attack. Squirming backwards, nearly falling off the bed, had Hyunjin not pulled him back, still not relenting his attack.

Hyunjin was grinning and laughing as the blonde's own laughing cries were echoed through the room. Felix fell onto his back, on the bed, being followed by Hyunjin who now sat straddling the younger's waist, keeping him held down. Felix was trying to fight back but it was no use. He flailed his arms trying to push Hyunjin off, but the other was much stronger and managed to grab his wrists, pinning them both above his head. The tickling finally ceasing.

Felix tried catching his breath, a wide smile on his face, cheeks wet with the tears caused by his laughter.

Hyunjin was grinning down at him.

It was then Felix noticed their position, once again going scarlet red.

"J-Jinnie..?" His voice came out as a stutter.

Hyunjin knew exactly what he was doing. He leaned down, capturing the younger's lips against his own. Effectively silencing the other as they kissed.

The kiss was slow, passionate, and deep. Their mouths moving in sync. Hyunjin slid his hands from Felix's wrists, intertwining their fingers together instead, still keeping his hands pinned above their heads.

Once they both felt like they would pass out from lack of air, Hyunjin pulled back.

Neither of them could open their eyes for a few moments, still lost in the feeling lingering from moments before.

Hyunjin opened his eyes and watched as Felix's also fluttered open. The pure love radiating from his irises causing Hyunjin to wish for time to freeze. To stay locked in this moment forever.

The stillness only lasted moments, as Felix dove forward, craving for the warmth of the kiss again. Hyunjin immediately following suit. He let go of Felix's hands, pulling him up while keeping their lips connected.

Felix's small hands finding their way into Hyunjin's hair, slowly tangling into the vibrant locks, gently pulling. Hyunjin let out hums of pleasure, his eyebrows furrowing, as he tilted his head to the side to better the way their lips locked. Their position had switched. Felix now sitting on Hyunjin's lap.

The taller leaning against the headboard. His hands sliding to grip the skin just under Felix's shirt.

This movement caused a light gasp to escape the heart shaped lips of the blonde from the cold fingers that embraced his skin.

The kiss was full of desire. More intense than any of the other kisses they had shared up to this moment.

Once again out of breath, the two broke free. This time their heavy breathing mixing together. Lips ghosting one another's tempting them to continue.

"If we continue... I don't think I'll be able to stop, Lix..." his voice was hoarse. Heart racing, and skin tingling everywhere the younger touched.

"Then don't..." was the only thing Hyunjin heard in response.


Gonna leave the rest to the imagination, whether you wish them to just have a night of kisses or "more". 😅

I feel like I'm skipping way too much time. But I also feel as if there isn't much to tell between the dates the story takes place. Do you guys feel I'm skipping too much time? (But even this was kind of a filler.)

I'm likely going to go back after this book is over and revise it. Maybe add more chapters between. Or maybe I'll completely rewrite it. Idk. I overthink a lot. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed 🤍

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