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"The only way I could protect you, was to hand you over to the Angels."


Felix stood at the bus stop. He was honestly unsure how he had got there. Not remembering being at work, but here he stood. It was also unusual that he wasn't taking a taxi. He rarely took the bus, seeing as it would result in him still having to walk in the dark from the bus stop to his house.

In his hand he held a lock, opening and closing it mindlessly. He doesn't know how the lock came into his possession, just that it was like a fidget for him. The clicking noise almost soothing him. It didn't have a key, but it seemed to be permanently unlocked.

When the bus arrived he climbed on and took a seat. It was crowded, people standing and sitting all around. Usually he felt safe in large groups like this, but now he felt that itching at the back of his neck. Much like when he was in the shower that day months prior, before Hyunjin came back.

He tried to keep himself calm, constantly opening the closing the lock, his eyes watching as his thumb and finger worked like clockwork to push the latch.

The feeling kept getting stronger. He felt the urge to run, but he couldn't. His face gave way to no fear, not wanting whatever was watching him, know he felt their presence. He glanced and saw the "Call Stop" button, pressing it as he looked out the window.

He stood up and made his way off the bus. The feeling getting smaller until the bus drove away. Then it got stronger again. His jaw was clenched as he began walking, through the dimly lit streets. He needed to get away from there, but he didn't know where to. Taking in his surroundings, off in the distance where the bus had been, a dark figure stood. No features could be recognized, but it stood unmoving.

He began walking again in the opposite direction. Trying to get as far away from whatever had gotten off the bus with him.

He held his breath as he walked, eventually feeling a sense of security again. He looked behind himself and didn't see anything.

Letting out a sigh of relief he noticed a bright neon sign illuminated above him. 'Ordinary'. A strange name for a building.

With slow counted steps, he walked up to the glass of the building's door, glancing inside, using his hand to shield any light from obscuring his vision of the inside.

He didn't know what was drawing him in, but something about this building told him to enter, so he pushed the glass open and stepped inside. Unaware of the sign glitching, causing its name to read differently.

It was mostly dark, dim orange lights above him leading him to a small reception podium. Behind it stood a figure... it took Felix a moment to register who the figure was, but there stood Chan. A pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"C-Chan? Is that you?" His voice came out quiet, and unsure.

He got no reply though. Chan just kept glancing between Felix and the IPad in his hands, and after a moment, a small half smirk, half smile appeared on his face. He nodded at Felix.

Felix was weirded out by this, but he didn't know what to say. He had the urge to keep moving, so that's what he did. He walked away from Chan, glancing back for a moment before he made his way down the hallway away from the entrance.

He kept walking until he found himself in a room with pink and orange lights. Clocks of all kinds decorated the walls around him. He was startled as one of the clocks, a cuckoo clock, began to chime.

Another figure came out of seemingly nowhere, wearing a plaid suit and a oversized beret. The figure walked up to the chiming clock, silencing it by pushing the plastic bird back inside. The watch on the man's wrist then gave a notification causing him to look at it, and in the next instance look at Felix.

Death's Angel ~HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now