"I'm right here." She promised him as he clung onto her. "I'm okay, we're safe now."

Matthias and Rhea burst into the room, concern written on their faces when they spotted the two hugging one another. Malik looked deathly pale, his eyes were sunken in, and he was clinging onto Rina as if she was his lifeline right now.

"What happened?" Rhea asked while rushing over to his side, only to find that when she reached out to touch him, Malik flinched away from her. "Mal?"

It wasn't Malik's intention to worry his mother nor his father, it wasn't his intention at all but the spell that Viviane had done still lingered in Malik's mind. While Rina had shaken free of it, Malik had not done so yet, it wasn't an easy spell and Rina had been awake this entire time to rid his mind of it.

"It's not your fault." Rina said when she noticed the broken look on her parents faces. "Viviane, the witch, she put a spell on us and it's not easy."

"A spell?" Matthias frowned. "What kind of spell?"

"It's kind of like the one you placed on Alistair, only hers cannot be siphoned away or transferred, it was specifically created for us and while I broke free of the illusion of it, I had to scream for Malik to come out of it." She explained with a sigh while running her fingers through Malik's hair as the boy had fallen asleep again. "I'm sure there's a way to lift it but right now I don't know how."

"We'll find a way." Matthias said softly while looking at the two softly.

Rina then remembered, "Hey dad." He tilted his head, waiting for her to continue. "When we died, we met someone."

"Met someone?" Rhea asked softly. "Who did you meet?"

"Uncle Henrik." Rina said softly and Matthias' expression crumbled.

His eyes instantly watered as he took a seat on the bed, "You saw Henrik?"

Rina nodded her head, her own eyes welling up with tears. "He said that the spell you were doing to make sure we don't turn into tribrid's could only help one of us so that he was going to help you even though he wasn't allowed to." She explained while hugging Malik a little tighter. "He said, he found peace dad and that he loves you."

Matthias smiled sadly as tears fell down his face. "He helped me."

Rina nodded her head. "I'm sure his message was for you and Uncle Nik but since he was sure that we'd see you first, I'm sure that's why he said it like that."

"Yes." Matthias laughed tearfully and sniffled. "Henrik meant it for the both of us and I'll be sure to tell Nik later."

Rina nodded her head and the two parents watched as her eyes drooped before she had fallen asleep finally. Maybe it was because her parents were there, maybe it was the feeling of security that their presence brought her, but she knew that she and her brother would be okay soon.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Natalie was in shock as she stared at the girl in front of her.

Iris had been able to shower and was in a pair of borrowed clothes from Hope, she was nervous to finally meet with Natalie. She wasn't sure if Natalie would even want to see her, if Natalie wanted to be around someone who could possibly be a painful reminder of their past, but Iris wanted to see her, even if it was just once.

"Iris?" Natalie questioned while rubbing her eyes, wondering if she was dreaming. "Is that really you?"

Iris nodded her head, her eyes welling with tears. "It's me, Nat."

Natalie couldn't stop the tears from falling as she rushed forward and pulled her into a hug, Iris hugged her back just as tightly if not more, the two were in disbelief that this was real, but they were overjoyed.

Kai and Katerina watched from afar, they shared looks of uncertainty as they didn't know what this would mean. They knew that Natalie was free to make her own decisions, that they wouldn't force her to stay if she didn't want to, but the thought of her leaving hurt more than anything. They didn't want to lose her, they didn't want to lose their daughter after everything they've gone through.

Natalie pulled away and looked Iris over, it was clear that she had been given vampire blood for healing the wounds on her body, but Natalie didn't miss the new scars on her arms. She wasn't going to question her though, just like no one would push Natalie for information on her past, she wasn't going to make Iris tell her the things that she's endured since their parting seven months ago.

"What do you plan on doing?" Natalie asked her softly. "I heard the others have continued to travel with people you met. Are you going with them?"

Iris shook her head. "Matthias said he would help me get settled into the school if I choose to stay."

"Will you?" Natalie asked her with hopeful eyes. "Stay?"

"Yes." Iris nodded her head. "You're here and while I will not take the Mikaelson name, you're my sister still."

"You could." Natalie offered. "I could ask my mom and dad."

Iris smiled softly at the fact that Natalie was calling Kai her dad and Katerina her mom, when they were with their biological mother, they never called her mom. Natalie had found her place here with the Mikaelson family, but Iris wasn't sure if it was where she would fit in. So, instead of agreeing like Natalie secretly wished she would, Iris shook her head with a smile on her face.

She took hold of Natalie's hands and gave them a squeeze. "I'm happy that you've found your place Nat." She told her sister honestly. "I appreciate the offer and I'm sure the Mikaelson's are lovely, but I want to find where I belong too. Of course, while being by your side."

Natalie could respect that, it wasn't really like she had a choice, but she could respect it. "Okay." She nodded her head. "That's the plan then."

Iris smiled. "Okay, now tell me about the things you've done." She said happily while the two sat down. "I want to hear it all."

Kai and Katerina shared a smile before leaving the two sisters to catch up, they would talk with Natalie about all this later, but for now they were just happy that they still had their daughter beside them.

Things weren't perfect right now, but they would get better.

introducing Madison Beer as Iris Fox

again, Iris was a character i initially wanted to bring in at some point in the OG version but since this took an AU route (for the better) I introduced her in this way

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again, Iris was a character i initially wanted to bring in at some point in the OG version but since this took an AU route (for the better) I introduced her in this way. on the plus side though, we learned about Natalie's past that no one ever really knew because she just didn't want to talk about it.

still how fun!

now we're nearing the end of the book, I can't say how many chapters are left as I haven't decided but oh my god, it's coming.

i'm so bittersweet about this series sometimes (i need to go through and edit Matthias' books for grammar mistakes) but genuinely I'm happy that you all love it as much as I do!

till next time my love!
- m a r i e

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