Error's drunk adventures

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I just generated some words and got handful and stanger so yeah.

That's what this is about


Error- 1st person

Today was not a good day. Actually, when was any day a good day? Never mind. Wait when was the last time I had some choclate? That doesn't matter. I'm hungry. Shut up who cares?

"Error, you good?" Ink asks with that stupid smile on his face, his eye lights change to yellow question marks. I hate his smile. why? shut up. wait why do I? This reminds me of episode 32 of Undernovela.

"Just peachy" I respond pushing inks face away from me. Little glitches tingling over my hand when in contact. They flooded over my fingertips of my and it felt like I suck my hand in liquid metal. I pulled my hand away from his face like I had burned it, yet I had not. What if I did? That would be strange.

Maybe ink is just that hot.

Never mind.

"Oh don't be such a party pooper, it's your birthday! Have some fun!" Ink excitedly yells his hands shooting up to gesture around the club. Yes, you heard me, club. The best place to go when you hate people. Especially drunk people who don't know how to mind their business. Why was I even here? I never agreed on this. I wanted to go home, eat something, and make fun of people.

"Go fuck yourself," I say to Ink flipping the stupid skittle brain off.

Ink giggled at my suffering, his small raccoon-like hands grabbing the cup of whatever alcohol I got for myself yet didn't touch. He took a long sip as his eyelights scanned around the room with curiosity. His eyes seemed to land on something because he put the cup down, got up, and walked away. Yeah, I probably won't be seeing him for a while.

I continued to sit there for a bit, my thoughts drifting in and out of being insane. Everything here felt so overwhelming, the flashing lights and the pounding music all blurred together as I slowly fell asleep. How did I fall asleep in the first place? I have no clue but I did. It must have been the weird alcohol ink and I chugged down before we got here in the first place. Or all that fucking tea Nightmare gave me. I think I had like 6 or 7 mugs? I don't really remember. Fuck, now I sound like dumbass skittle dick over here.


Must admit, not the best morning, or whatever time it was at the moment. I wake up from whatever intoxicated dream I was having (think it was about me and Blue?) to find I have most likely been kidnapped. Well judging by how I'm duck-taped to a chair, blindfolded, gagged, and in a van that smells shittier than Dust's unwashed hoodie. God do these people ever clean their shit??? The Bad Sanses are better than this and they suck ass, literally.

There's muffled whispering from somewhere in front of me and I smell about 5 people, 3 monsters 2 humans. They all have hints of cigarette smoke and drugs covering them, the humans having more of a BO and rotten food smell. Delightful, I know.

Ugh worst birthday ever, thanks Ink (asshole). One of them must have noticed that I was awake or something because there was the sound of an old sliding door opening and the smell of a guy who hadn't washed their body in weeks. Ew, these people are fucking disgusting. The person walks closer to me and someone else starts talking.

Loud crying came from a girl next to me, who was obnoxiously begging to leave. Personally, I would find it entertaining but this girl was annoying. She was also way too close to me, screaming where my eardrums would be located. Thank you random girl for making this pounding headache all the more better.

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