Chapter 14

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"At this rate, Jungkook will be severely injured for sure." Seungmin's harsh truth hit my ears. Cheon Muho had been targeting all of Jungkook's weak parts from the time he was able to hit him. Every time Jungkook fell down or groaned in pain, he would flash a triumphant smile towards me, disgusting every cell of my body.

This went on quite a few times until a question came upon me.

Why is Cheon Muho looking at me every time he is beating Jungkook? Why not Junseon and Seungmin also? 

However, I had no time to ponder over this question, for the whistle sounded again, indicating a break before the final round began.

I rushed towards Jungkook as soon as he staggered out of the boundary and instantly loaded him with questions.

"Kook! Are you okay? Does it hurt very bad?"

"Y/N, give him some water first...."

Junseon's words finally brought me to my senses.

"Oh shit! Sorry...."

I ran and took a water bottle from the nearby rack. After handing it to him, I took a clean towel and started patting it all over his face, neck and throat to absorb the sweat and cool him off a bit.

When his panting stopped and he finally started breathing normally, he lifted his head and asked, "Guys....where is Cha Chisoo?"

Junseon and Seungmin looked at each other...and then at me. I gulped.

Shit! I almost forgot about him while thinking of Jungkook all this time.

But now I need to come up with an excuse. This is not the right time to tell him about Chisoo's disappearance.

"So your captain ditched you?"

We turned around to see Cheon Muho standing with his arms crossed across his chest. My blood boiled instantly, just seeing him after he almost killed Jungkook, I felt like strangling him to death. He walked a few steps forward and stared at me with a sneer.

"So Jungkook, you got a babysitter to feed you water and take care of you?"

I scoffed.

"You sound a jealous baby whining for the lack of his babysitter...." Of course, I could not control my big mouth and spat those words out.

He looked at me from head to toe, his gaze turning dark.

"Then why not you do the job for me?" He came closer to me and whispered, "I am sure you would like that way better than being with him."

"Leave her alone, you bastard!" Jungkook shouted in a deep tone as he pulled me and raised a hand in front of me protectively.

Muho snorted.

"What will you do if I don't? There is a ripe peach right in front of you and you are just wasting her instead of doing her..."


Jungkook raised his hand and almost hit him but stopped midair. I was clutching his raised arm. 

"Don't..." I whispered to him. "Don't let him win."

Although the amount of hatred I was feeling was almost making me nauseous, but I cannot let Jungkook do something he would be regretting.

Nonetheless, he continued to glare at him.

"Kook..." I tugged at his sleeve. "It's very dirty here. Bad smell is coming from someone's mouth. Let's go."

I pulled him with all the force I had...but he wouldn't budge. He cast a fiery look at Cheon Muho one last time, before turning on his heels and walking back.

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