Chapter 4

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It was at this moment I knew, I fu**ed up.

Standing in front of the principal in his office, I could not help but feel the weight of my own mistake with every cell of my body. Cha Chisoo's aura standing behind me and Jungkook was not helping at all.

"You are saying that you want this club to continue. Can you show me a single reason why?"

The middle aged man leaned on his chair with an eyebrow raised.

"The only and the most important reason is that it is our passion." Jungkook simply replied.

"What about her? Is Taekwondo her passion as well?"

Jungkook looked sideways at me. Clearly, this question needs my answer.

"It is. I wouldn't have applied to become the manager of this club otherwise."

"Can you do Taekwondo?" The man was clearly not ready to believe that I was actually interested.

"Is it necessary to be the greatest in whatever our passion is? I thought passion meant something we love to do, not always something we are good at." I countered, a little too fearlessly. My fears are decreasing nowadays, and that has become more of a concern to me than a relief because it brought about with it the danger of rash decisions.

The principal took a deep breath.

"Please sir. We request a chance to at least try to prove ourselves. We love Taekwondo." Jungkook's voice was desperate, but firm.

He stared at him for a long time, then at me. Though every inch of my mind wanted to lower my eyes, but they were forcefully fixed on him. 

An attempt to show how serious we were in our resolve.

He leaned forward after a good two minutes and sighed.

"Okay. One chance. Only chance. There is an inter school competition between SOPA High School and Yangeun High School next month. Along with other activities, Taekwondo will be there as well. If you compete against the #1 Taekwondo player Cheon Muho and win, you can keep your club. Or else, you must disband immediately. 

Captain Chisoo, what do you say?"

We turned to look at Chisoo, both our eyes giving him a pleading look.

Please Chisoo. Please accept this. It is our only way to save the club. I mentally pleaded.

Chisoo stared at us for half a minute before straying his gaze to our back, towards the principal.

"I agree sir. Please give us this chance."

He bowed. We followed suit.

"Okay then. Go and practice hard. Good luck."

"Thank you sir." Three of us said in unison and started to head out of the door.

"Wait a minute."

We turned around, frowning at the interruption.

The principal raised his pen and pointed directly at Jungkook.

"Only Jeon Jungkook would participate in the duel."


I had had enough. Now I need to do what I should-- ask Jungkook directly what is wrong with him. 

It has been a whole week since he has been assigned to compete. From that moment onwards, he has become a completely different person.

His talks have become minimum, reduced to 'yes' and 'no'. He visits the club everyday, practices, and goes back, without talking or even looking at anyone else. In class, he sits not beside me, but not on his usual seat as well. He sits on the other corner of the class, directly opposite mine, absentmindedly scribbling in his notebook or occasionally staring blankly out of the window. It was clear he did not even listen to the lectures on class anymore.

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