Chapter 9: "A dream or a nightmare?"

Start from the beginning

Vanessa: "And here I thought that my life with my parents wasn't really good." She said it sad a little.

Y/N: "And I even didn't mention The Bite of 83, or the missing children, or how Mr. Afton opened Afton Robotics." You said it calmly making your guests shocked. "There was even an article that in 1990s people have seen a walking corpse, who originally was known as Michael Afton, who worked in Circus Baby Pizza World, before he changed into a zombie." You said it calmly as you started to remember everything about this company.

Kyle: "Hey, hey, hold your horses. This is too much information for us." He said it in shock.

Y/N: "Sorry, I just got carried away, since Fazbear Entertainment history is shown as a bad example of how people didn't double check things." You said it calmly.

Kyle: "It's fine. However, if this arm is a relic, it's place is in the Rockstar Row." He said it calmly.

Y/N: "If you say so." You said it calmly and threw arm to him. Kyle caught it.

Kyle: "Well, I'll go then." He said it calmly.

Vanessa: "Take the bag." She said it calmly.

Kyle: "But it's your bag." He said it confused a little.

Vanessa: "Well, give it back later." She said it as she stood up, took the bag and gave it to him.

Kyle: "Uh, okay?" He said it unsurely as he placed the arm in the bag. "Anyhow, thank you for the information, and it was a pleasure to meet you." He said it as he stood up.

Y/N: "Pleasure is all mine." You said it with the small smile. Kyle walked out from the room and after a few moments, you and Vanessa heard the front door open and close.

Vanessa: "How are you, (Y/N)?" She asked it in a little worried tone of voice.

Y/N: "*Sigh* Not very good. I'm still receiving those plushies, Jack is totally onto something, and his now ex-girlfriend spreading rumors about me. Well, trying to spread." You said it calmly.

Vanessa: "How many plushies, do you already have?" She asked it calmly.

Y/N: "Everyone from the first three chapters." You said it calmly, making Vanessa shocked.

Vanessa: "Wait, 5 from first chapter, 13 from the second chapter, and 7 from the third chapter. So in total you already have... 25 plushies." She said it as she did some math in her head.

Y/N: "Yeah... I actually wanted to ask you something." You said it calmly.

Vanessa: "I'm all ears." She said it with the smile.

Y/N: "The game that you gifted to me... Is she based on Freddy Fazbears tragedy?" You asked it calmly.

Vanessa: "...Well... Not really... Do you remember that game that Fazbear Entertainment made?" She asked it calmly.

Y/N: "Of course I do. I even played that game. And I must say, them turning all these rumors about their past and walking animatronics into a game was good idea." You said it as you remembered how you played that game. "Wait, so this is what you got inspired by?" You asked it in realization.

Vanessa: "Yeah. Plus, I was a beta tester, remember?" She asked it calmly.

Y/N: "Oh, right." You said it as you remembered her saying it to you.

Vanessa: "Actually, on which chapter are you right now?" She asked it calmly.

Y/N: "Well, yesterday I finished the third chapter." You said it calmly.

Vanessa: "Oh, so you got to the fourth chapter. That's one of the hardest chapters we've created." She said it as she remembered how they were testing and blushed because of memories of it.

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