Chapter 17: "End of the game...?"

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(Your home. Your room.)

3rd POV

Y/N: "So yeah, that happened. Any ideas about that?" You asked it in your phone, after you told your companion about yesterday's gift boxes sudden appearance.

Vanessa (Phone): "Well, this whole situation sounds like you're trying to prank me. However, I know you like for 2 years by now, and I know you don't like pranks at all. Moreover, plushies like these were sent to you before and you do have a security footage of that, so I have reasons to believe you." She said it in thoughtful tone of voice. Through the phone, you could hear that she's walking around. "No one came into the basement after you went into VR world, right?" She asked it sounding concerned.

Y/N: "Nope, security camera's footage showed me that no one entered the basement, when I logged in the game." You said it in your phone as you tapped with your fingers against the table. "If you want, I can send you the footage, so you could check it yourself." You said it in your phone as you walked up to your table with your work computer on it.

Vanessa (Phone): "That would be helpful. I'll tell Willow to check if there are any changes were added to the footage." She said it as you moved your mouse around to make the monitor lit up. Then you quickly opened up your email and started to type the letter with footage attached to it to Vanessa's email.

Y/N: "Okay, I sent it to you." You said it as you just now pressed 'send'.

Vanessa (Phone): "Yup, got it." She said it as you heard her do some manipulations with her laptop. "Willow, check the footage that I just sent you on any edited stuff!" You heard her suddenly yell out meaning Willow is probably in another room.

Willow (Phone): "Okay!" You barely heard her yell that out, while you got a message from managers of your company.

Vanessa (Phone): "Alright, I won't hold you for too long, since you have work and everything." She said it in some disappointment.

Y/N: "Don't worry, we'll have time to talk some other time. It's not like I'm going to suddenly disappear." You said it with the chuckle, and you heard Vanessa chuckle too.

Vanessa (Phone): "Yeah, you're right. I hope to talk to you normally soon! Good luck!" She said it cheerfully, before hanging up. You chuckled at her cheerfulness as you put your phone in your pocket. You sat down at your table and started to read the messages you received.

(Meanwhile. Vanessa's house.)

As Vanessa hang up, she walked towards Willow's room and with knocks on the door, she walks in Willow's room.

Vanessa: "So how is the footage at the first glance?" She asked it as she walked up to the table, where Willow was sitting at and looking at the footage.

Willow: "At the first glance, nothing unusual. There is even no visual glitches this time." She said it sounding disappointed in some way.

Vanessa: "I see, that's starting to sound like some ho--" She wanted to say, but was cut off with Willow hitting her arm. "Ow! What was that for?" She asked it as she looked at Willow, but saw that she has a worried look on her face. Vanessa looked at the monitor of Willow's computer and saw that footage was showing 2 tall women in sexy rabbit suits standing near the couch on which (Y/N) was sleeping. "When did they--" She wanted to ask.

Willow: "Just now. Light flickered again, and they suddenly appeared." She said in some shock. They both stayed silent as they watched what's going on.

Vanessa: "Uh... One of them got out a blanket?" She said it in confusion as the footage showed one of the women take out a blanket from wardrobe's drawer.

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