Chapter 36: The Bad Guys Always Pay

Start from the beginning

"You were looking out for yourself you selfish dirty cop. I never want to see you again. I'm telling my parents."

"Already done. You thinking they would be on your side with this you thought wrong. They'll be on their way home in the next couple of hours."

"You're willing to ruin a guy's rest of his life with some bogus evidence then to just let him go?"

"You get rid of bad seeds, that's life December," he shrugged and headed for the door, "And maybe you're right. This is a lesson for you. You know the bad guys always pay." And maybe that's the case. Then why was I suffering if I was such a good person then?

"Then why aren't you the one in jail?" He froze for a second and shut the door.

When noon rolled by Hunter's mom came and took us back to their home to get Muse changed and Toto fed. I sat outside on the steps watching the various cars come in and out of view.

When a familiar jeep pulled up, I raced to it. "The deed is done." Peter nodded and I almost wanted to chuckle.

"I pray that this works." I sighed leaning against the car for support.

"It will, don't worry. Hunter's mom has bail money saved for times like these." Cj, informed me leaning into the backseat through the middle of the car.

"Call us when you get out. We have to handle some business with our parents and yours to get you out of this big shitty mess that you're in." Peter flipped his hair out of his face before starting the car again and pulling away from me, and Hunter's house.

As the rest of us pilled into Hunter's mom car I was starting to get nervous, I was about to look like one of those girls who boyfriends were losers who were in jail for stupid things and visiting them in jail. But my boyfriend wasn't a loser, and he wasn't in there for something he did that was stupid. But for a stupid cop who took himself to seriously.

As we drove to the precinct I was shaking with anxiety. Hunter's mom and even Muse told me to calm down that this was not that hard to do. It was court that was the hard part.

Why didn't Hunter tell me about his scholarship?

I would've made my decision off of that and definitely told my Uncle I would stop seeing him--that was more important that he had a future. A future that I obviously helped ruin.

Walking into the precinct I saw a bunch of familiar faces because of my Uncle, they rose their eyebrows but I rolled my eyes at them. Walking up to the front desk Hunter's mom asked for his name they're curious stare left from me and they took on sour looks that I honestly didn't care for.

Once she started to sign the papers I wanted to talk to him so I asked. A man named Garret Jones a new officer, he was younger fresh out of the police academy and to me he was downright annoying.

"What do you need to see the likes of him for?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't have the time for your bullshit to be perfectly honest. Can I see my boyfriend or not?" I tapped my foot impatiently when his face morphed into one of disgust but honestly I could give two fucks. I was over this whole act like I'm the best girl in the world so we're going to treat you like that, shit. I was over it completely. Truly he was a better person than I was.

"Whatever, you say although I think--"

"I honestly don't give a fuck about what you're going to say, just show me to the room." I was growing super impatient and I needed to see Hunter. To know he was alright and that he still loved me. Yeah I was being selfish but I wanted him.

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