Ch. 10 Can we play Hide-n-Seek?

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It has been a week since Elizabeth recovered from her adrenaline rush during her time at Narnia. After recovering, she decided to check on the rest of her younger siblings. She noticed that Susan would stick close to the Library, Peter and Edmund would spend time in the Game room, and Lucy would always be by her side, having tea time in the Green House and talking about Narnia.

Before Mrs. MaCready planned for Elizabeth to do hard labor, aka chores, all over the Manor. However, Professor Digory Kirke forbids it per Doctor Polly Plummer's request. As the final straw, he fired the older female when he saw how hard she was towards Elizabeth and her younger siblings.

Elizabeth felt horrible that Professor Kirke lost a House-Keeper, but he reassured her that he'd find someone who would love to care for him and his home.

Professor Kirke reminded Elizabeth that he was getting to that age where he couldn't do things as he used to and promised Dr. Plummer that he would take it easy and finally retire.

It was a beautiful morning, and Elizabeth was eating breakfast with Lucy at the Green House since the rest of their siblings wanted to do their own thing.

" Lizzie. I'm bored," Lucy whined.

Elizabeth took a sip of her orange juice and set it down. She looks at her youngest sister worryingly.

" What do you want to do?" She asked.

" Can we play a game?" Lucy asked, looking at her eldest sister with puppy-dog eyes.

Elizbeth hummed, looking at her youngest sister curiously.

" What do you have in mind?" She smiled.

" Can we play hide-n-seek?" Lucy suggested.

Elizabeth's eyes blinked.

" I think we are disadvantaged since it's only you and me," She responded.

" We can have Peter, Susan, and Edmund play with us!" Lucy stands, looking at her eldest sister excitedly.

" Not a horrible idea. Let's get Peter and Edmund first since you know it will take a while to convince Susan to play with us. But I know she'll cave if all of us beg her to play with us," Elizabeth stands, taking the two dirty dishes, and turns to see a slightly older female with dark hair and green eyes approaching her and Lucy.

" I'll take those," The new House Keeper, twenty-five-year-old Gretchen Stanley, smiled.

" Ms. Stanley!" Lucy greeted.

" Hello, Lucy. How was breakfast?" Gretchen asked.

" It was yummy!" Lucy smiled.

" Lizzie and I are going to look for the rest of our siblings because I want us to play hide-n-seek!" She says.

" It is a beautiful day. I saw your brothers playing video games in the Game room. They deserve to have some sunlight in them. And the same with your sister, Susan, who always reads different kinds of books daily," Gretchen looks at the two sisters.

" Yeah. We need to have some family bonding," Elizabeth nodded. " Let's go, Lu," She grabs her youngest sister's hand. " Have a lovely day, Gretchen," She smiled and waved.

" Have a good day, Elizabeth. Lucy," Gretchen waved.

Lucy waved goodbye, leaving the Green House with her eldest sister.

The two sisters enter the Manor and walk towards the Game Room, seeing Peter and Edmund playing a fighting game on TV.

" Peter! Edmund!" Elizabeth shouted, grabbing the two brothers' attention.

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