Ch. 8 What happened to Lizzie?

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Aslan stood beside the lamppost with an unconscious Elizabeth in his arms. He turns and stares at the trees that will transport him to the world where she and his old friend are from. He walks towards the trees, his arms getting goosebumps as he feels the portal opening and taking him to Earth.

He walked in the hallway of the Wardrobe, passing the summer and winter clothing and towards a door. He pushed the door open with his right hand and stepped out.

He enters the empty room and looks at his surroundings. He saw the sunlight shined upon him, letting him know it was morning and the next day on Earth.

He closed the Wardrobe and walked towards the front door, opening it. He steps out of the room and onto the hallway of the West Wing. His Lion-like golden eyes blinked when he saw his old friend, Professor Kirke, stepping out of his bedroom.

Professor Kirke's eyes intently stared at Aslan's.

" Aslan?" Professor Kirke called out, not expecting to see Aslan and him holding an unconscious Elizabeth in his arms.

" Digory," Aslan greeted while looking at an unconscious Elizabeth worryingly.

" Come. This room is Elizabeth's," Professor Kirke motioned Aslan to a door between his bedroom and the room where the Wardrobe was.

Aslan nodded in response.

He walks towards Professor Kirke, watching him open the door, and the younger male enters the bedroom.

He walks towards the bed and carefully lays Elizabeth on it.

" She needs to get checked for any external or internal injuries," He looks at Elizabeth while talking to Professor Kirke. He wanted to ensure that the young female was safe from danger.

Professor Kirke enters the bedroom and closes the door behind him.

" What happened?" He asked.

" Elizabeth somehow ended up in Narnia. She met Tumnus and a Weasel named Bodhi. They escorted her back here when the White Witch's loyal followers found and attacked them. Tumnus and Bodhi bravely fought their lives to protect her.

She was able to escape, but Maugrim's pack cornered her to a snowy hill, where she jumped. The trees helped me save her before she got severely injured," Aslan explained while watching Elizabeth's chest rise, making him relieved knowing she was breathing.

Professor Kirke watched Elizabeth slumber, relieved that Aslan and his followers saved her from the White Witch's followers.

" I shall call my dear friend to check up on her," He looked at Aslan knowingly.

" Polly," Aslan looked away from Elizabeth and turned to Professor Kirke.

Professor Kirke nodded in response.

" The last time you heard of Polly, she was studying to become a Doctor. She was 26 when she got her Medical Degree and became a Doctor at 29. She has been a Doctor at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital for twenty-four years," He explained.

Aslan smiled, proud of his old friend.

" Can you notify Polly of the situation?" He asked.

" Of course!" Professor Kirke nodded and excused himself, leaving Aslan alone with Elizabeth in the bedroom.

Lucy was sitting at the bottom of the stairs that led to the Foyer. She adorably pouted, looking bored. She wanted to wake up her eldest sister, but Mrs. MaCready stopped her, telling her she couldn't enter the West Wing because Professor Kirke was busy and Elizabeth was still resting.

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