Ch. 6 Dinner

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Elizabeth and Professor Kirke walked on the West Wing. The two conversed with one another, wanting to get to know each other.

" You may not remember me. But the last time I saw you was in July 1932, when your youngest sister, Lucy, was born. I was 44, you were eleven, Peter was 5, Susan was 3, and Edmund was 1," Professor Kirke says.

Elizabeth looked surprised to hear Professor Kirke visited her family when she was eleven when Lucy was born. She frowned, feeling horrible that she didn't remember him.

" No need to feel sad and guilty that you don't remember me. You were only 11. And it has been almost nine years since I last saw you and your siblings. Naturally, you wouldn't remember me," Professor Kirke reassured.

" What have you been doing these past nine years?" Elizabeth asked, looking curious.

" Mainly researching and experimenting. I want people to know that other worlds exist and that we shouldn't be afraid of what is from the beyond and to at least coexist with them," Professor Kirke responded.

" I know some wouldn't mind coexisting while others will mainly be afraid and not support your ideas," Elizabeth looked forward and saw her younger siblings approaching the Foyer from the East Wing.

Lucy looked forward and smiled when she saw her eldest sister approach the Foyer from the West Wing.

" Lizzie!" She runs towards her eldest sister and hugs her tightly, wrapping her arms around her waist.

Professor Kirke smiled at the two sisters.

" Did you unpack and make yourself comfortable in the room?" Elizabeth asked.

Lucy let go of her eldest sister and nodded.

" Yes! Susan helped me," She responded, and her eyes blinked when she saw Professor Kirke beside them.

" Oh! Hello," She greeted, looking at Professor Kirke shyly.

' I need to unpack after dinner,' Elizabeth internally says.

" Lucy. Peter. Susan. Edmund. I would like for you all to meet Professor Digory Kirke. Our Guardian during our stay here in Devon," She introduced Professor Kirke to her younger siblings.

The three siblings looked surprised to hear that the older male next to their eldest sister was their Guardian, Professor Kirke.

" Huh. He doesn't look like an Evil Witch," Edmund blurts out, causing Peter and Susan to look at him with mixed emotions.

" Edmund!" Peter and Susan hissed at their younger brother.

Professor Kirke amusingly chuckled.

Edmund realized what he said and looked at his shoes bashfully.

" You seem friendly," Lucy smiled.

" Thank you," Professor Kirke smiled. " And no, I am not an Evil Witch like the White Witch," He reassured.

Elizabeth looked at Professor Kirke knowingly.

" The White Witch?" Susan raised an eyebrow.

Lucy looked at Professor Kirke curiously.

" A character from a book I wrote," Professor Kirke merely responded.

" You are an author?" Peter asked, looking at Professor Kirke curiously.

" Yes. I am also a researcher. Your father was one of my World Literature students," Professor Kirke smiled while looking at Peter fondly since the younger boy looked so much like Abraham.

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