Ch. 9 Waking up to the real world

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Elizabeth wakes up from her slumber and opens her eyes. She winced when she saw the intense lighting. 

" Ugh. Too bright," She murmured. 

" Lucy, Dear. Can you dim the lights for me, please?" She heard an older feminine voice speak. 

" Yes, Dr. Plummer!" She heard her younger sister respond and footsteps running. 

' Lucy?' She internally says. 

Her eyes blinked when she saw the lights getting dimmed, revealing a familiar bedroom. 

' This is my bedroom in Professor Kirke's home. I remember being in Narnia?' She sounded disappointed and looked at her surroundings. 

She turned to the left and saw a handsome man with shoulder-length pale blonde hair and Lion-like golden eyes, wearing clothing suitable for royalty leaning against the wall and staring at her. 

She held her breath, looking at him with mixed emotions since he was looking at him with such intensity.

' Who is he? And why do I feel like I know him?' She internally asked. 

" Lizzie!" She heard her youngest sister shout, causing her to look away from him. 

" You're okay!" Lucy runs and hugs her eldest sister. 

" What happened?" Elizabeth asked while hugging her youngest sister. 

" Do you remember what happened?" An older feminine voice asked, causing Elizabeth to look and see an older woman with blonde-silver hair and blue eyes, wearing a Doctor's attire, standing beside Professor Kirke. 

Elizabeth bit her inner cheek, afraid she would get judged if she told them the truth. 

" No one is going to judge you," She heard a deep velvety masculine voice say. 

She glanced to the left and saw the mysterious man still looking at her. She couldn't pinpoint his actual emotions since he was looking at her with a blank stare. 

" After putting my siblings to bed, I was heading back to my bedroom when I heard a mysterious voice calling out to me. Curiosity got the best of me, and I followed the sound to a door that led me to the Wardrobe you told me about, Professor Kirke," She says while looking at Professor Kirke. 

Aslan heard what Elizabeth said and glanced at Professor Kirke, wondering why his old friend told her about the Wardrobe. 

Professor Kirke nodded, looking at Elizabeth curiously. He wanted to know about her experience being in Narnia for the first time. 

Lucy made herself comfortable in Elizabeth's embrace, intrigued when she heard her eldest sister talk about her first time going to Narnia. 

Polly went to get a glass of water for Elizabeth since she figured she'd get thirsty after talking a lot. 

" I walked towards the Wardrobe and heard that voice from earlier saying my name. I opened the door, and something in my gut told me to enter and walk forward, which I did," Elizabeth takes the glass of water from the older female's grasp. 

" Thank you, Dr. Plummer," She smiled when she remembered Lucy calling the older female that. 

Polly nodded and went to stand beside Professor Kirke. 

Elizabeth takes a sip of water and continues speaking. 

" I noticed that the pathway went deeper and deeper. I felt my whole body shivering. The temperature changed from warmth to cold. I grabbed a Winter coat and walked through some trees, where I saw a lamppost in front of me," She described the lamppost to everyone in the bedroom. 

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