Ch. 2 Is everyone ready?

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A banging sound awakens Elizabeth and her family from their slumber. She opens her eyes and blinks, looking confused. The sound didn't come from a bomb. It sounded like someone was knocking. She lifted her head and watched her mother walking towards the door.

" What's going on?" Lucy asked while yawning and rubbing her eyes.

Elizabeth stayed quiet.

She watched her mother unlock the door, peaking through the crack. Her eyes blinked when she heard two masculine voices.

" Morning, Ma'am. Everything has calmed down for the time being. However, The British Armed Forces requested that you and your family pack your belongings and leave this place. We shall escort you all to Kings' Cross Station. Mothers and children will take a train to take them to neighboring towns for shelter during this difficult time," She heard one of them tell her mother.

Edmund was about to complain, but Peter shushed him.

Lucy looked at her eldest sister worryingly.

" I don't want to leave home, Lizzie," She whispered.

" I know it's scary. But, for everyone's sake, we must leave home and seek shelter elsewhere for our protection," Elizabeth comforts her youngest sister.

" Thank you for letting me know. I shall gather the children, and we will get our belongings," Helen responded.

She closed the door and turned to her children.

" Mother! I don't want to leave," Susan looks at her mother worryingly.

" Can we stay here and wait for Father to return?" Edmund asked, scared.

" I understand you all are scared. But as your mother, my top priority is to take you all to Kings' Cross Station and ensure you are on a train," Helen firmly speaks.

Peter and Elizabeth looked at one another. They knew that once their mother dropped them off on a train, they would become young parents to their three younger siblings.

" Now, let's get going. We have two Gentlemen waiting to escort us to Kings' Cross Station," Helen opened the door and ushered her children out of the Bomb shelter.

Elizabeth walks out of the Bomb shelter with her youngest sister. She stepped outside and looked at her surroundings.

She saw that the sky was dark and cloudy. Her nose twitches when she smelt gunpowder and smoke. She frowned when she saw black soot all over the houses and cars in her neighborhood.

" Why is everything so dark and gloomy?" Lucy asked, scared.

" The aftermath of a War," Elizabeth responded and frowned.

" Let's go. I'll help you pack your belongings, and then I'll do mine," She walks with her youngest sister into the house.

Elizabeth and Lucy entered the house and walked up the stairs to the younger female's bedroom. Lucy stood to the side, watching her eldest sister grab the luggage from on top of the closet and start putting all of her necessities inside.

" I made sure to put all your winter, spring, autumn, and summer clothing inside. I also put all your undergarments and pajamas inside. I don't know how long we will be living with Professor Kirke. It's best to ensure we come prepared," Elizabeth looks at her youngest sister.

Lucy nodded in response.

" Can I take some of my stuffed animals?" She asked.

" Only two. It would be best if you didn't lose your stuffed animals," Elizabeth responded.

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