Ch. 4 Arriving at Devon

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Throughout the train ride, the five siblings ate snacks provided by the train vendors. Elizabeth takes her sisters to the restroom to ensure their safety, and Peter does the same thing with his brother.

Susan would read her books so that time could go by, Edmund would boredly look out the window, watching the scenery go by, Lucy would play hand games with Elizabeth, and Peter would be looking at the golden pocketwatch that his father gifted him before he went to War to track the time.

A whistle-like sound grabs the five siblings' attention. They heard footsteps approach the train cabin and watched it slide open, seeing the ticket inspector poking their head into the room to look at them.

" I am here to inform you that we will be arriving at Devon," The ticket inspector says.

" Thank you," Elizabeth responded.

The ticket inspector slides the door, closes it, and walks away to inform others.

Elizabeth turns to her younger siblings.

" Alright. Clean up this room and take the trash out with you. The trash can is outside the room. We will be arriving in Devon and getting our stuff from the conductor," She firmly speaks.

She helps her younger siblings clean up the room, takes the trash out, and throws it away in the trash can. She exits the room with the others following behind her.

Lucy grabs her eldest sister's hand, not wanting to get lost. Susan walked behind her two sisters. Edmund walks behind his older sister. And Peter walks behind his younger brother.

Elizabeth exits the train and onto the train station in Devon, England. She turned to the right and saw the conductor taking out their belongings. She motioned Peter and Edmund to help the older male, to which they nodded and walked towards him.

Lucy looked at her surroundings, and she shivered when she felt the ocean breeze and wondered how far the train station was to the beach. Her eyes blinked when she saw a sign that said Welcome to Devon, and underneath it was a brief description of the county.

She lets go of her eldest sister's hand, grabs Elizabeth's attention, and walks towards the sign.

Elizabeth's eyes blinked, watching Lucy admiring the sign and reading what it says about the county.

" Devon is a county in southwest England. It encompasses sandy beaches, fossil cliffs, medieval towns, and moorland national parks. The current population is 442,600," Lucy reads out loud.

Edmund looked at his surroundings and wondered when and at what time Professor Kirke would pick them up.

" How does Professor Kirke even look like?" He asked.

Peter waved goodbye to the conductor and watched the older male get on the train. He heard the whistle and watched the train leave.

" And now we are alone in an unknown county," Susan sighed, watching the train leave.

" Everyone sit by that shaded area," Elizabeth motioned to the benches underneath a tree near the train station.

" Come on, everyone," Peter walks with his younger siblings to the benches. He watched Lucy sit between Susan and Edmund. He kept his eldest sister company by standing beside her and their luggage.

" I hope Professor Kirke is a nice person," Lucy speaks while swinging her legs up and down.

" I hope they are not a monster that eats children," Edmund muttered.

Lucy looked at Edmund with a scared gaze.

" The person you refer to was a Witch from a fairy tale called Hansel and Gretel, Edmund. She's a fictional character, not real," Susan glanced at her younger siblings.

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