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"Are you alright?" You ask, settling on the bed next to Sasuke. Naruto had pushed the sofa up to the bed on the other side and you both gave Sasuke your attention now.

"Ugh, no. I think you both broke the rest of my bones." You smile at him, shaking your head.

"You deserved it for worrying us."

"Us?" Sasuke glanced at Naruto, who nodded his head quickly.

"Yes, us. You're my friend too, Sasuke." He frowns and crosses his arms, "we're teammates too!"

"Yeah. Teammates." You agree. "I told Naruto, by the way."

"Was that a good idea?"

"What's that supposed to mean? I can keep a secret!"

"Yeah, he can keep a secret."

Sasuke waves the two for you off. "Does Kakashi know he knows?"

"Nope. But he will, when I talk to him again." He sighs.

"I'm glad you're okay.."

"I'm glad you're okay too." Naruto speaks up before you get the chance to, Sasuke looks annoyed at first but he seems to accept it before turning towards you. You simply nod, you understood him.

"Naruto kicked butt."

"No way."

"Yes way, saved your butt." He held back a small smile.

"It wasn't just me though, Kura healed you."

"No no, Sakura healed you."

"Sakura can do that?" Sasuke asked, Naruto was confused about that part.

"Uh, when Sakura sleeps she appears here like a ghost. And I occasionally do the same there. But, yeah, apparently she can heal people. We knew she could interact with things in the real world but using chakra and healing? That's new."

"I suppose I should.. thank her." He glanced towards Naruto. "Is she here?"

"No, she disappeared immediately after healing you." He nods, leaning back in his bed. "Gaara left me a mouse."

"Yeah, I left him to watch over you guys and he was gone when we came back." Naruto said, seemingly a little upset about that.

"I think he's allowed that, who knows what the backup would have done seeing a suna nin there." Naruto scrunches his nose, he knows you're probably right but he doesn't make any attempt to admit it.

"Excuse me." A nurse says, opening the door. Or are they not called nurses here? She's surprised to see everyone in here, "pardon me. But I'm going to have to ask you both to leave, I need to check on my patient."

You both bid him farewell as you're basically shoved out the door. Naruto sighed, "I should probably go back to my room." Surely if people were checking up on Sasuke, they'd be looking for Naruto soon enough.

"Yeah, probably, I'll visit you. Assuming you're here long.." You promise and he nods.

"See ya, Kura." You both part ways.

You wander that halls for a bit, distracted by the mouse crawling over your arm. You wonder where your mom is during all this, or your father for that matter. Had they come to visit you? Did they even know you were here? The homesick feeling you were oh so familiar with crept up when you thought about your real family and friends.

"Sakura." Kakashi spoke from behind you, causing you to jump. "Sorry.."

"Kitty, what's up?" You put on a happy face, forcing the feelings back as usual.

Switched With a Fangirl (Various!Naruto X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now