The Beautiful Day - Part 5 (Final)

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Jekyll: See you soon, Hylanna. Come on, girls.

Raven and Starfire was sitting on the couch and watching TV.

Supergirl: Hey, Raven, you want to go to see Flash movie?😁😁😁😁

Raven: Starfire and I are watching TV. Sorry.

Starfire: Yeah.

Jekyl: Girls, come on!

In Monarch's room, he heard knocking the door.

Monarch: Come in.

Jekyll opened the door and let She Hulk and Supergirl in.

Monarch: Hey, what brings you here?

Jekyll: Well, we were just wondering if you want to come with us to see The Flash Movie.

Monarch: I don't know what to say, but, I'm in!

Jekyll: That's the spirit!

But then, Jekyll and Monarch saw She Hulk and Supergirl runs and ask Ariel to come.

Supergirl: Hey, Ariel, you want to go to see Flash movie?

Ariel: Hm?

Jekyll: Supergirl, don't ask them about the movie theater. We have to go.

Supergirl & She Hulk: Yay! Flash Movie

Monarch: What's with then?

Jekyll: Oh, you know, they're both excited.

Monarch: I see.

Jekyll: Say, Monarch, do you have any car around here?

Monarch: Not exactly. But I do have The Monarch Mobile!

Jekyll: WHAT?!

Monarch: Yep. That's right.

Jekyll: You must be joking, there's no way you have The Monarch Mobile.

Monarch: Yes there is. It's The Monarch Mobile.

Jekyll: No it's not.

Monarch: Yes it is.

Jekyll: No it's not!

Monarch: Yes it is!

Jekyll: NO IT'S NOT!

Monarch: YES IT IS!

Jekyll: NO IT'S NOT!!!😠

Monarch: YES IT IS!!!😠

Jekyll: NO IT'S NOT!!!😡

Monarch: Alright, I'm gonna prove it to you that there's the monarch mobile. Maybe it's in the basement.

Jekyll: Prove it.

In the basement, Jekyll, Monarch, She Hulk and Supergirl saw The Monarch Mobile.

Jekyll: Where did you get that at?

Monarch: Oh, I don't know. Maybe....

Jekyll: (Glares at Monarch)

Supergirl: (Carry She Hulk)

She Hulk: Ready?

Supergirl: Yes. Let's go! (Super jump speed fly to movie theaters)

Monarch: Hey! Where are you going? The Monarch Mobile is over there. You have to get in.

Supergirl: Oh. (Super landing goes in Monarch Mobile)

She Hulk: (Goes in Monarch Mobile)

Monarch: Thank you.

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