Ch. 12- Kidnapping of The Damsel

Start from the beginning

When they came closer to my car, the driver opened the child lock, I tried to escape but one of the goons held me back tight and slapped me.

I was yelling at my heart out, someone save me. Nobody in the street listened to me as all were laughing at my state.

The car drove away. The three men spoke something in French and laughed at me. I was yelling my heart out to John, and Guiseppe so that they could hear my wail through the phone. One guy covered my mouth and another one held my hand. I was kicking at them, but they were far stronger than me.

Then they gagged my mouth, bonded my hand and legs, and laid me back in their laps. I could feel their hard cock against my body.

I am getting raped again.

The streetlights scattered lights through the rain droplets as cars were passing by lights. I helplessly stared at them and realized...

....... Realized this was the end of me.

One man started to fondle my breast and found my phone on the inner side of my jacket. He threw the phone away and started to fondle me again.

The moment he threw the phone away, I realized that God had abandoned me. He wanted me to live through hell on earth. I stopped yelling at anything, anyone. It was not going to work anymore.

God had abandoned me. God had abandoned little Kaya.

I saw little Kaya breathing her last breath inside my mind. A whorl of fire was about to touch her innocent body as she was waiting for her demise. My sanity will go away with her dying.

This was it; this was the end. My brain started to go numb. I stopped struggling; it seemed to amuse them as two of them touched every part of my body with malicious glee.

My skin burned with every invasive touch. One of them began to unfasten my pants. I protested, but he clamped his hand tightly over my legs.

Before he could undo the restraints, the driver shouted at them in agitation. Two of the men diverted their attention from me and began a heated exchange with the driver. Fear etched across their faces as they yelled at each other.

Then they reached for their guns. These men were armed, and their intentions were clear—they were here to kill me.

The car accelerated, racing at such a breakneck speed that I started to feel dizzy. I couldn't fathom what was happening. But after a few minutes, it became apparent why they were so agitated. Several other cars seemed to be competing with ours. From my vantage point, all I could perceive were flashing lights through the rain-streaked window, and they were honking aggressively at our car.

Suddenly, a black sports car whooshed past us, executed a half-turn with a screeching halt, and positioned itself squarely in front of our car, about 200 meters ahead. The tires squealed on the asphalt, creating a deafening noise. This forced our driver to slam on the brakes as the other car faced us head-on. The impact was so severe that my body was thrown against the back of the front-row seats, causing me to see stars.

But before our car could come to a complete stop, a thunderous explosion erupted. It was followed by the windshield shattering into a spiderweb of cracks and a spray of blood splattering across my face and body.

Someone shot the driver. His head exploded.

The three of us in the back seat fell into stunned silence. I felt a wave of nausea welling up within me. Meanwhile, the two men in the car began to shout at each other, their grip on me tightening as if they intended to pull me out of the vehicle.

However, before either of them could exit the car or attempt to take me with them, the left side car door was flung open with such force that the window shattered. In an instant, two rounds of shots rang out, piercing the air.



The deafening shots left my ears ringing, a faint buzzing sound reverberating within my eardrums after the impact of those two gunshots.

Amidst the chaos, darkness, and pouring rain, the shooter materialized before me.

To my deepest horror, I recognized the innocent, handsome man I had met in the library just yesterday, the one who had innocently asked me about my favorite author. He had now killed both of the men who had been holding me captive—one with a precise headshot to the man clutching my leg and another with a fatal headshot to the man who had been holding my head.

Both of their heads had erupted in a gruesome display of violence right inside the car.

It was too perfect of a shot. Two shots directly at two heads.

Within 30 seconds, he killed 3 men.

I was drenched with blood. He was drenched in the downpour.

His Prussian blue eyes now held a mix of horror, anger, and agony. All traces of yesterday's innocence and nervousness had vanished as if they had never existed. Those once-anxious eyes now blazed with fierce rage under the streetlight, as if a fiery vortex could erupt from them, consuming everything in its path. Though he was the same man I had met in the library just the day before, he seemed like a completely different person standing before me. This striking, bearded man appeared as if he were the angel of death in a deceptive disguise. His chest rose and fell with each breath, and the flaring of his nostrils revealed the intensity of his emotions.

With incredible strength and unwavering determination, he swiftly moved the lifeless body to my left, freed my legs, and pulled me closer to him. Then, he gently cradled me in his arms, bringing my head closer to his.

My ears still rang from the deafening gunshots, rendering me unable to hear anything. A group of men dressed in black was quickly closing in on us. His face became visible in front of me, in the rain as he pulled me closer to him.....


Amidst the buzzing sounds, the pouring rain, and the chaos around us, I heard him softly calling my name. It felt as though the sound of my name slipping from his lips was a lifeline that revived my numbed body, setting a blaze within me. The raindrops blurred my vision as if nature itself conspired to keep him from my sight.

As everything slowly faded into abysmal darkness, I realized my heavy head was resting on his sturdy shoulder.

My brain could not take it anymore.

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