Lynden's tone turned cold; his gaze unwavering. "I've been entrusted with guiding Eira, ensuring the success of her mission. I have a duty to protect her, even from misguided attempts that could endanger her."

She studied Lynden's face, searching for any sign of sincerity or genuine concern. But all she found was a cold detachment as if the twins were inconsequential pieces in a grand scheme that he controlled.

Fëandil's voice was tinged with doubt. "Why keep us in the dark? Why not trust us with the full truth? We've proven ourselves time and again. Maybe you convinced Eira was she better off without our help"

Lynden leveled a look at him, a hint of annoyance crossing his features before he masked it with a dismissive wave of his hand. "You underestimate the complexities of the situation. It was for your own safety that I kept you ignorant. You're skilled, yes, but there are forces at play that even you cannot comprehend."

Freya's jaw clenched, her frustration mounting. "Enough with the riddles, Lynden. We deserve the truth. If Eira is in danger, we have a right to know."

Lynden's voice turned icy. "You have no right to know what I choose to keep from you. You would do well to remember your place, Lady Freya."

Freya's fingers twitched, longing for the feeling of steel in her palms. She took a measured breath as she responded, "If you truly care for Eira's safety, Lynden, then we should be working together, not against each other. We may not understand the full extent of the danger she faces, but we are willing to risk everything to ensure her success."

Lynden's mask of superiority slipped for a fraction of a second, a flash of frustration crossing his eyes before he regained control. "Your determination is admirable but misplaced. You are blind to the intricacies of this mission, the greater forces at play. I am doing what is necessary to protect Eira."

Freya willed power to her arms, already thinking of a particularly nasty spell that caused the mere slice of a blade to cause an appendage to fall off. "We'll find Eira and protect her, Lynden, with or without your guidance. Our loyalty lies with her, not you."

Lynden's exasperated breath escaped with a hint of irritation, his frustration a tangible force in the air. "I anticipated this stubbornness of yours."

With a swift gesture, Lynden conjured a barrage of arcane projectiles, each one crackling with malevolent energy. Freya's warning barely escaped her lips as she reacted with instinctive agility. A swift, protective movement positioned her between the onslaught and Fëandil.

Freya's fingers darted to her belt, seizing her daggers. In the ambient light, their edges glinted ominously as she clashed the blades together in a swift, practiced motion. The metallic echo reverberated through the room, heralding the initiation of an unforeseen conflict.

In the blink of an eye, the daggers transformed seamlessly into a shimmering shield. Freya positioned herself protectively in front of Fëandil, the makeshift barrier intercepting the malevolent energy hurtling towards them. The arcane projectiles crackled against the shield's surface, each impact met with resolute resistance.

Lynden's smirk persisted, seemingly unfazed. "You think a shield will save you from the true might of sorcery?"

Fëandil's ice tendrils rose to meet Lynden's magic, creating a shield of frozen barriers that absorbed the impact. He retaliated with icy projectiles of his own, launching them at Lynden with calculated precision.

Frustration etched on her face, she clenched her fists and, with a powerful punch, shattered the shield back into its original form—two gleaming daggers.

Launching them at Lynden with a fierce determination, the daggers sailed through the air with deadly accuracy. She heard as Fëandil summoned an icy wind, aiding the trajectory of one of Freya's daggers. The blade sailed through the air, cutting through the magical defenses before reaching Lynden.

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