Darian had been intercepted by members of the Albion court, engaged in conversation and polite nods, yet his piercing red eyes remained fixed on her. His presence was a magnet, pulling her into a vortex of emotions she struggled to comprehend. It was as if the entire world faded into insignificance, leaving only the two of them locked in a silent exchange.

Prince Aldric guided Eira toward a secluded hallway, away from prying eyes and curious onlookers.  Eira felt a brief respite from the intensity of the grand hall as they continued through the winding corridors of the castle. The clamor of the courtiers faded into a distant murmur, replaced by the hushed whispers of their footsteps echoing against the stone walls.

Finally, they arrived in a secluded area where the ambient light cast a soft glow upon their surroundings. The soft glow of candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls as they caught their breath from the bustling grand hall.

Prince Aldric's eyes held a mixture of concern and curiosity as he regarded Eira. "Lydia, there is something I must discuss with you, now that we are away from prying ears."

He stepped closer, his voice lowered to a hushed tone. "I must admit, there is something that has been tugging at my thoughts since our conversation began. You mentioned knowing Arin from childhood, which implies you attended Elindar."

Eira's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing to process the implications of his words. She had hoped her connection to Arin wouldn't lead to such revelations, but it seemed Prince Aldric had deduced more than she had anticipated.

She mustered a cautious smile, attempting to maintain her composure. "Yes, Prince Aldric, I did spend my formative years at Elindar. It was a place of profound learning and growth."

Prince Aldric's eyes narrowed slightly, a glimmer of suspicion dancing within them. "Elindar is renowned for its magical arts, and the mages that graduate from its ranks."

The accusation hung in the air between then, not needed to be said.

Eira's breath caught in her throat as she realized the gravity of her situation. The truth threatened to spill from her lips, but she knew the risks involved. Revealing her identity as a mage could jeopardize not only her mission but also the fragile trust she had built with Prince Aldric.

"I. . ." she began, her voice faltering. She searched for the right words, the perfect balance between honesty and concealment. "I can understand why you could think that Prince Aldric, but my connection to Elindar is one of friendship and shared experiences. While I did study the arts, my focus was always on music. That is where my true passion lies."

Prince Aldric studied her for a moment, his gaze probing. Her eyes traveled to the crest on Prince Aldric's lapel, his connection to Arin, and Eira's realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. She looked at Prince Aldric, her eyes widening with a mix of astonishment and suspicion.

"Prince Aldric," she began, her voice laced with newfound confidence. "You speak of the academy due to that crest on your lapel. It bears the mark of Elindar. I've seen it before, during my visits to the esteemed academy."

"Ah, Lydia, you have quite the perceptive eye. Yes, the crest represents the esteemed pupils of Elindar. You must have seen this during your. . . visits to the academy." He finished, raising a knowing eyebrow at her.

She swallowed thickly, before nodding almost overzeously. "Yes. That's correct." Eira crossed her arms, her tone becoming accusatory. "It's funny you should accuse me of attending such a place when the evidence is written all across the upper righthand side of your chest!"

Aldric held up his hands in defense but his voice was amused as he answered, "You see, what seems truly funny to me is that you can see this crest, Lydia. It's no ordinary crest. In fact, it has a peculiar glamour to it. Only those who have been enrolled in the academy can recognize it. Think of it as a symbol of solidarity for those who have attended. Now, what were you saying about only visiting Elindar?"

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