As dusk painted the sky in hues of gold and crimson, Eira prepared for a night rehearsal with the Royal Orchestra. The corridors buzzed with the anticipation of the upcoming King's Competition. Musicians adjusted their instruments, fine-tuning their compositions, and Eira felt a twinge of apprehension as she walked past Elara's closed door, the unanswered knocks seeming to etch themselves into the wood.

The grand rehearsal hall echoed with the vibrant hum of musicians tuning their instruments, creating a symphony of anticipation for the upcoming welcome party for the Albion court. Eira, her violin case in hand, took her place among the talented musicians, her eyes flickering to Armond, the concertmaster, who stood at the front of the orchestra.

Armond raised his hand, signaling for attention, and the buzz of conversation gradually hushed. "Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, his voice carrying authority and warmth, "as we prepare to welcome the distinguished guests of the Albion court, I am pleased to introduce the ensemble that will set the tone for this evening."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the hall as Armond listed the names. "Playing the viola, the accomplished Daniel. On the cello, none other than the maestro himself, Tomas. On the second violin, we shall have the skilled Isabella."

Armond paused for effect, his gaze sweeping across the assembled musicians. Then, with a subtle nod of respect, he continued, "And finally, on the first violin, Lydia will grace us with her artistry this evening."

Eira's heart skipped a beat at the mention of her name. Her eyes met Armond's, and in that exchange, a silent understanding passed between them. As Armond's words reverberated through the rehearsal hall, Eira's mind struggled to catch up with the reality unfolding around her. The weight of the acknowledgment settled on her shoulders, and a mixture of shock and excitement gripped her.

Barely processing the remainder of the rehearsal, Eira moved through the motions, her fingers dancing across the strings of her violin. The melodies resonated in the grand hall, creating a tapestry of harmonies that seemed both ethereal and surreal.

As the rehearsal concluded, the quartet members exchanged a few words with Armond before dispersing. Eira, still in a state of awe, found herself standing with the others as they gathered offstage.

Two hours later, disbelief lingered as Eira observed herself in the full-length mirror. She finished arranging her hair in intricate blonde curls that cascaded down her back, held back from her face with delicate hairpins. Placing the last pin in its place, she chose a simple black gown that clung to her form. Its flowing fabric allowed her freedom of movement while exuding an air of elegance. Adorned with subtle silver threadwork that mimicked the ethereal patterns of moonlight, the gown added a touch of sophistication to her ensemble—befitting a musician.

Another half-hour later, she barely made it in time to begin playing with the others before the event started.

As the quartet played on, Eira's eyes wandered, absorbing the scene unfolding before her. The vibrant tapestries and shimmering chandeliers of the grand hall set the stage for the Albion court's welcome party. The guests, adorned in opulent attire, mingled gracefully, their laughter and chatter weaving into the musical tapestry.

To her unending relief, there was no sign of the Dark King that she could see. The anxiety that had lingered in the back of her mind eased as the quartet continued to enchant the gathering with their music.

Eira caught glimpses of intricate gowns adorned with jewels that glimmered like stars, and proud nobles adorned with crests that told stories of ancient lineages. She noticed Aldric, the Albion prince, moved with grace and ease, his presence commanding the attention of those around him.

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